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The place has a cozy vibe despite us being outside in the open air.

I finish my wine and sigh. “I’m scared,” I whisper to Xander.

He raises one dark brow. “Scared? Of what?”

“Everything,” I admit. “The unknown. I’m scared I won’t get a job, or if I do that I’ll hate it. I’m scared of being unhappy.”

He shrugs. “Then you’ll quit.”

I shake my head. “I’m not a quitter.”

“Is it quitting if you’re miserable? Wouldn’t it be bettering yourself? Besides, you don’t know anything yet.”

“Social work isn’t easy.” I tap my fingers to the table. “Sometimes I think maybe I would’ve been better off doing something in fashion.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t believe that. You wanted to help people, Thea, and that’s what you’re going to do. It’s going to be rewarding, but I doubt it’ll be easy.”

“You’re right,” I agree. He usually is, though I’d never tell him that.

I know being fearful of my future is normal and is probably plaguing most graduates. It’s a scary thing to spend four years in college and then be thrust out into the real world.

Our meal is brought to the table and we thank our waiter.

“This smells so good.” I inhale the scent of the food—dill and lemon and some other herb I can’t decipher.

“Yeah, it does,” Xander agrees and then tops off my empty wine glass.

I raise my eyebrows. “You’re definitely trying to get me drunk.”

He laughs. “You don’t have to drink it.”

“True.” I pick up the glass and raise it to my lips. “But you know I will.”

We finish our meal and pay before heading back to the hotel.

I hold his hand and lean against him as we walk. The cool night air brings a shiver across my skin.

“Cold?” he asks, pausing to look down at me.

I nod and he wraps his arms around me. Wearing a strapless dress might not have been my best idea, but it looks great.

We walk along the stone pathway, going slow since I can’t navigate as well in my heels. Music drifts softly from one of the houses along the street and I smile. It’s so different here than at home and this is only a small taste.

We finally make it back to the hotel and change into our pajamas before crashing into bed.

I snuggle close to Xander, latching my arms around him like an octopus.

“You’re mine.” I kiss his neck.

His chest rumbles with a laugh. “Is that so?”

“Mhmm.” I nod, already falling asleep.

I feel him run his fingers through my hair and then trace my lips, and that’s the last thing I remember, though I’d swear he whispered, “I’ve been yours forever.”


“Why are you looking at me like that?” Thea asks, looking at me over the rim of her large sunglasses.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance