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I instantly feel cold and reach out weakly for her.

“We’ll bring her back,” the nurse promises.

“You did so good.” Xander kisses me, his lips pleasantly warm. “I’ve never seen anything like that. It was incredible.”

“I’m so tired,” I confess.

He brushes my hair out of my eyes, his fingers lingering on my cheek. “You can rest soon.”

“Thea?” Dr. Hawkins interrupts.

“Yeah?” I ask, bringing my tired eyes to his.

“You’re going to have to birth the placenta now. You shouldn’t have to do much work, but I just want you to know what’s going on, okay?”

I nod.

Xander rubs my arm, drawing my attention back to him. “You se

riously did so good, sweetheart. You’re a rock star.”

I smile tiredly at him as our baby lets out a cry in the background. “Go to her,” I plead.

“Thea?” Dr. Hawkins says again, worry in his tone that instantly puts Xander and I on alert. “Your placenta’s not detaching.”

“W-what?” I stutter, my eyes flicking from the doctor to Xander. “What’s wrong? Is something wrong?”

“It’s okay,” he rushes to assure me. “Your placenta is stuck and we’re going to have to go in to get it out. It’s nothing to panic over.”

“Nothing to panic over?” I cry. “That doesn’t sound like nothing? Xander? What’s happening?” I plead with him, like he can make this go away somehow.

He looks pale and helpless.

“Shh,” Dr. Hawkins consoles me. “Really, this is fine, Thea. You’ll be in and out in no time.”

The nurses immediately start to wheel me from the room.

“What do I do?” Xander asks, looking helpless.

I grab his hand. “Stay with her,” I beg. “She needs you. Please don’t leave her.”

“But, Thea—”

“No,” my tone is final. “Stay with the baby. I’ll be okay,” I vow.

He watches me leave helplessly. They slap something over my face and everything becomes fuzzy.

The last thing I hear is the baby crying and then …



I watch as they take Thea away, my hands clasped behind my head. I still don’t quite understand what’s going on and I feel so weak and useless. I just want to be there for her, but she wanted me to stay with the baby, and I understand.

We both no longer live solely for each other.

Now we live for this tiny little girl.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance