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“All right, now get out.” He all but shoves me out of the room and slams the door closed.

“You’re so rude!” I yell through the door, and all he does is laugh.

I head downstairs and fix a glass of lemon water. Prue prances along beside me, her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Since Xander’s occupied with nursery duty I busy myself with more shopping.

I still need to order her bedding. I was between two, but Xander hates the one, so I decided to be nice and veto it and go with the one we both like.

I order the bedding and then move on to other things for her room.

I purchase a fluffy rug and several paintings with gold accents to hang on the wall that’ll match the chandelier. I also order a cute tufted pink ottoman that doubles as storage space, and a cute Parisian style chair.

Am I going overboard?

Hell yes.

But this is our first baby, and all the things are so cute I can’t help myself.

Since I’m already shopping I go ahead and order the car seat and stroller we decided on.

It takes a lot to have one baby. I can’t imagine having twins. I might die.

I feel baby girl kick and I smile, pressing my hand against the spot. “Hey, sweetie, what are doing?”

She gives two solid kicks at the sound of my voice, which makes me smile wider. I’ve definitely been able to tell that she responds to my voice, which is awesome. She responds to Xander too, which is cool. Sometimes when he’s talking she starts to move around wildly, almost like she’s dancing to the sound of his voice.

I’m officially in my third trimester now, which is just crazy to me. This is the home stretch now. Soon, we’re going to have a baby.

Thankfully, I finally feel … happy about the whole thing. Excited, even. I was worried I’d spend my whole pregnancy feeling miserable, but lately it’s been great. Something tells me my grace period might be over soon, though, because from what I’ve read, your third trimester can make you feel miserable. It’s understandable, too. There’s a huge baby inside you and there’s only so much room in your body.

I have an appointment with my doctor later today. At this point in my pregnancy I have to go in every two weeks, but they said the appointments should be in and out—so hallelujah to that.

Except I have to have my glucose test today, so this one will be longer. What sucks is I’m starving since I’m not allowed to eat before and I can only have small amounts of water.

I finish my online shopping and Xander comes down about an hour after that, waking me up since apparently I dozed off on the couch.

“Huh? What?” I sit up, my eyes dazed.

He chuckles at me, covered in flecks of pink paint. “I said I was jumping in the shower before your appointment. I have all the pink coats done and it’ll have to dry before I do the rest.”

“I can’t wait to see it.” I’m absolutely giddy thinking about the way the nursery is coming together.

“Don’t even think about peeking,” he warns me.

“I’ll be good, I promise.”

He eyes me like he doesn’t believe me. Under normal circumstance I’d be up there in a flash checking it out, but at nearly seven months pregnant I’m exhausted and need a longer nap, so while he’s showering, I fall back to sleep.

He comes down, changed into fresh clothes with his hair damp.

“Ready to go?” he asks, swiping the keys off the counter.

I stand up and stretch. “I hope I can eat a pizza after this. I’m starving.”

He chuckles. “Come on, let’s go.”

He ushers me into the car and we make the short drive to the doctor’s office.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance