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“Good one,” said Adam and Aiden giving Danny and Mason high fives. “We usually give her gag gifts too. But this year we thought we’d be a little more practical.” said Adam.

“Boys,” said Amelia as she and Patrick stepped forward with the last gift, “Can you never give anyone anything useful?”

At the same time Danny and Maso

n broke out into grins and said, “But those are useful.” Amelia shook her head, her blond curls cascading beautifully around her.

“Here sweetheart. We hope you like it.” She said as she handed me the last package. She and Patrick stood in front of me, his arm wrapped around her waist gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes obviously as in love today as when they first met. I was lucky to have found that same love in Jonathon. He stood behind me and every so often his hand would brush against my arm or shoulder or waist as if he had to reassure himself that I was real.

I took the paper of slowly, enjoying my last gift. A small robin’s egg blue box landed lightly in my hand. I read the label over and over again not believing my eyes. Tiffany and Co. was clearly labeled across the front. I swallowed. “This is too much,” I said to Amelia and Patrick.

“Open it,” Amelia said smiling. I lifted it and inside found a delicate gold chain and hanging from it a heart. “Open the heart,” said Amelia. I did and inside the small locket I found the smallest picture I had ever seen. It was of me and my new family. “Look at the back,” said Amelia. Engraved on the back in small block letters it said, We’ll always be there for you, Love A and P.

Tears welled in my eyes. “Thank you so much,” I said hugging both Patrick and Amelia.

“We’re so glad you like it, dear. I know the only piece of jewelry you wear is your key but we thought this suited you. We just want you to know that we consider you as part of the family. You’re practically a daughter to us,” said Amelia.

“Put it on me,” I said turning to Jonathon and lifting up my hair. He put the delicate necklace around my neck. I let my hair fall back down and gazed at the necklace. It sat just above the key I always wore. The key was worn and antique looking, whereas the heart was modern and simple but somehow they seemed cohesive.

“Thanks all of you,” I said looking at them. “Well maybe not you two,” I said jokingly at Danny and Mason.

We cleaned up the wrapping paper and cake leaving the family room spotless.

Jonathon pulled me into a corner away from my brothers. “You’re brothers will be staying here. They think you’re staying here too because of how sick your mother is. I thought you should know since you were sort of out of the loop.”

“Okay,” I said relieved to have that whole situation cleared away. It had been in the back of my mind therefore making me stressed.

The doorbell chose that moment to chime loudly and made me jump. Who one earth would be here?

“Are you expecting someone?” I asked Jonathon.

He wore a puzzled expression, “No,” he said taking my hand. He sniffed the air, “Only a human, we’re safe.” He said as he led me to the front door.

Oh good, only a human, we should be safe. Didn’t he know that humans could be just as dangerous as vampires? Well… I guessed not. He was a vampire so a human couldn’t do him much harm. I hoped.

He opened it slowly as if bracing himself.

“Isaac?” I said, “What are you doing here?” He glanced at Jonathon nervously then with a little more confidence at me.

“I remembered it was your birthday so I stopped by to give you your present. I stopped by your house and some big dude answered the door and said you were here. So here I am,” he said shrugging his shoulders and talking a mile a minute.

“Well come in and join the party,” I said. He glanced hesitantly behind me.

“Um, no. Here,” he said handing me a small present, practically shoving it into my hands. “Open it,” he continued.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” I asked again. “Do you want some cake?”

“I’m not going in there,” he said rather rudely. I took a step back as if I’d been slapped by his cold harsh words. I gave him a quizzical look and then opened the package. Inside was a cd. It was a clear case and on the cd it said Happy Birthday Ky!

“Thanks, Isaac,” I said stepping forward and giving him a hug.

“I wrote and performed all the songs myself,” he said rather shyly which was unusual for him.

“Oh, thank you Isaac that makes it all the more special. I really like it.”

“Well, I better get going,” he said.

“Are you sure?” I asked again. He nodded as if defeated and started down the stone steps to his car. I noticed his shoulders drooped.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Fallen Vampires