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“Okay students follow me.” I assumed he said since we all started following him. Thank God I wasn’t the first person in line. This would be an utter nightmare. We went out the back of the building onto the stone pathway down the steps to the outdoor auditorium.

The outdoor auditorium was basically like an American football field. There was stadium seating and that’s where the parents were sitting. Chairs were set out along the field for us to sit on and a stage platform had been set up for us to walk upon to get our diplomas.

I followed the people in front of me to the chairs. Like our caps and gowns the chairs were black and silver. I took my seat and let out a breath. I had made it this far without incident.

The moment was here. When you’re a kid you never think this moment will come. But here it is. It happens so quickly. In the blink of an eye. Sometimes, even now that I have Jonathon, I wish I could go back to being a little girl playing dollhouse and Barbie dolls. But you can’t go back. What’s in the past stays in the past. You can’t go back and you can’t change it. It just is. You grow up and you move on. You make a new life and new memories. You meet new people and fall in love. Life continues.

The first of the names was called. And from there it went quickly. Isaac and his twin sister Isobel got their diplomas. Isaac looked preoccupied and Isobel seemed to have a permanent scowl upon her face. She always seemed most unpleasant the complete opposite of Isaac. My name was called and I bounded up the platform, a huge smile on my face, with claps from my family, the only family that matters. Joseph was standing and let out a big war hoop that completely embarrassed me Patrick and Amelia were standing and clapping for me too. They looked like proud parents. It made me feel so much better. I felt like I had a family behind me. People that truly care about me the way they should.

I shook my hands with the Dean, took my diploma, and moved my tassel to the other side. I just couldn’t stop smiling. I felt so happy for the first time in a long time.

I took my seat again and watched as my family got their diplomas.

Danny took his with a slight grin, Diana danced onto the stage like a ballerina, Jonathon took his diploma with a huge smile and winked at me, Mason bound onto the stage with much exuberance and a cocky smile plastered to his face. He blew me a kiss and sashayed off the sage. I couldn’t help but giggle.

The rest of the class got their diplomas and we all threw up our caps. From there we were free to disperse to meet our family and friends.

I spotted Jonathon coming towards me and ran at him. I crashed into his hard body, I was sure to have a bruise all down the front of my body but I didn’t care, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him.

“Whoa! Where did this come from?” He asked after breaking the kiss.

I was breathless but I managed to huff out, “I don’t know when our last moment might be and I want to take advantage of every second I have with you,” I said tangling my fingers into his silky soft blond hair.

“I won’t let anything ever hurt you,” he said fiercely.

“I know but things can happen that are beyond your control,” I said looking away from his penetrating gaze.

“I will die to protect you.” He said with passion.

“Jonathon, there is no life without you. You are my life,” I said trying to get him to see reason.

“And you are mine.” He said giving me a quick kiss.

“There you two are,” sounded Amelia’s voice.

Jonathon put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side. I noticed Amelia held a camera in her hand.

“Smile!” she said just before the flash of the light blinded me. I was sure I had blinked and probably looked like a complete goober in the picture especially when I was standing next to someone who was so absurdly gorgeous.

“Okay, now a group picture! Mason get over here!” she said scolding her son. Diana, Danny, and Mason joined Jonathon and me. “Mason! Smile and stop goofing off!” Amelia scolded him yet again.

“Come on mom! These are supposed to be the best years of my life!” She couldn’t help but laugh since her sons were stuck as teenagers for the rest of their existence. Every year was the best years of their life.

“Just smile!” She said shaking her head with indignation but with humor in her eyes.

“Cheese!” said Mason as loudly as he could causing some other families to stare us down for the unwanted interruption. “Sorry!” he yelled even louder not helping the situation in the least bit.

Amelia continued to rearrange us and take more pictures. It was all so normal that for a while I forgot they were vampires.

The field began to clear out so we decided to leave as well. There was no need to stay any longer.

“We’ll meet you at the restaurant,” said Patrick as he, Amelia, and Joseph began to head in the direction of their cars. After the afternoon I had, I was still on a high, and what Patrick had said didn’t click with me until we were all back in Danny’s hummer.

“Wait, restaurant?” I asked stupidly as what Patrick said finally clicked into place in my head. “Why are we going to a restaurant? None of you guys eat. Well, except for maybe Danny and Mason but that’s not really eating it’s m

ore like inhaling.”

Mason and Danny grinned.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Fallen Vampires