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I know I should be happy that I have a guy that wants to spend money on me and take care of me but I’ve never been dependent on anyone and to have someone picking up the crumbling pieces of my life is disorientating. But I appreciate everything he and his family do for me. They’ve taken me under their wing and I will forever be grateful for that.

He stretched out on my bed and I tried to tame the tangled mess that was my hair. But he didn’t seem to notice its poufyness. In fact, he twisted one curl around his finger and gently stroked it.

I tried to mentally prepare myself for whatever was coming.

He looked at me and studied my face.

“First, we are throwing you a party,” He said calmly. I groaned and wrinkled my nose. There was nothing wrong with birthday parties but I figured knowing the Pulmers they would turn it into an extravaganza. “Before you completely spurn

the party let me continue. Amelia and Diana have worked really hard on this so please don’t complain. I tried to tell them not to throw you a party but they wouldn’t listen. They think because they love parties so much everyone else should too. Secondly, this is your present,” He said handing me a large wrapped object that I hadn’t noticed. Oh, lord. I gulped and looked at the package in terror. Could it be any bigger?

I unwrapped it slowly; worried about what I’d find.

But instead I was pleasantly surprised. It was a painting. One he’d done just for me. I was shocked at how beautiful it was.

The painting was of me and him. It was so realistic it was shocking. But the colors were subdued and shrouded in purple, my favorite color. I was standing to the front and my face was looking to the side. Spreading out of my back and beautifully across the canvas was a pair of ivory angel’s wings. In the painting Jonathon stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me his face leaning into mine, close to my ear, as if we were sharing in a whispered conversation.

“Jonathon, this… this is amazing. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. Thank you. I don’t know what else to say. It’s just so perfect. I love it.” I said, rambling while I continued to gawk at the painting.

“I’m so glad you like it. I was worried,” he said and I immediately felt ashamed of my behavior. I did not deserve this perfect man as my soul mate. I wasn’t good enough for him.

“It’s perfect.” I said kissing him. “This means so much to me.”

“Read the card,” He said handing me the card that had fallen out of the wrappings.

I noticed he had hand painted the card, typical Jonathon, he always wanted to make everything personal and I found it to be so sweet. On the card he had painted a peacock feather. I love peacocks.

I opened the card and began to read silently to myself.

To my dearest Kylie on your birthday.

I know it isn’t much but I hope it means a lot to you.

You are my angel and I’ll always be there for you, by your side.

I love you.


“Thank you,” I said, snuggling up against his side. His body was cold and I wrapped myself tighter in the bed covers.

“I want you to know that I’ll never leave you. Not again. No matter what. Not even if I think it’s necessary. I won’t put you or me through that again,” he said and his voice was choked with tears that he couldn’t shed.

“Promise?” I asked fingering the fabric of his t-shirt so I wouldn’t have to look into his silver eyes.

“I promessa,” he said and kissed the top of my head. “Oh and there’s one other thing I got you but it’s a surprise. You’ll have to wait till tonight to see what it is.”

“You know I hate surprises,” I said tracing his jaw.

“Trust me you’ll like this surprise,” he grinned from ear to ear. I could picture him as small boy when he smiled like that. A small boy with floppy blond hair.

“I hope you’re right because otherwise you’re in big trouble,” I said narrowing my eyes and trying to look menacing but really I was trying not to laugh.

“Ooh, is the big bad Kylie going to punish the big scary vampire,” Jonathon said jokingly, elongating his incisors. He playfully, but lightly, bit my hand.

“Oh, you’re so frightening.” I said feigning fright.

He pulled me into the contours of his body and kissed me. It was at times like these that I forgot that he was a vampire. He and his family were so normal; so human.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Fallen Vampires