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With those words I fell asleep with a satisfied smile.

Chapter Eighteen

“Juuuuuuuuude!” I shrieked as he ran down the beach with me on his back piggyback style. It was safe to say we were acting like five year olds, but I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. “You’re going to drop me!”

“I’d never drop you!” He declared, spinning me around.

“Picture!” Rowan called out, holding her phone up.

Jude stopped spinning, teetering to the side a bit as he regained his balance.

“Smile,” Rowan declared.

“I am smiling,” Jude and I replied simultaneously. He lifted his head to look at me and we burst out laughing. All the while Rowan snapped away, taking pictures of our moment.

Our spring break was coming to an end. Tomorrow morning we had to head back home to the real world. But all four of us were determined to enjoy our last day, and by some miracle we’d been blessed with warm weather. The ocean was still nippy, but I wasn’t opposed to putting my toes in it.

“Text those to me.” Jude told Rowan after she’d taken all the photos she wanted.

“I will,” she laughed, running over to Trent.

There were more people on the beach today, a few even our age.

When Rowan had invited me, I’d expected crowds of college kids, but that hadn’t happened thanks to the private beach. I preferred it that way. I didn’t like being surrounded by lots of people or noise.

Last night Jude and I had hung out on the beach, just talking for a while, and then I decided to read. I hadn’t read a book for fun since…well, probably before I started college. My studies left little time for relaxation. Soon I’d have no time, because I knew once we graduated I needed to find a job and move out on my own.

I climbed off Jude’s back and we collapsed in the sand, rolling around.

“Hey,” he smiled down at me.

“Hi.” I smiled back.

“You know,” he poked my cheek, “when you smile really big, you have this dimple right here.” He poked me again for good measure. “I like it. I think I need to kiss it.”

“Oh, really?” I giggled.

“Mhmm,” he murmured, kissing my cheek where just a moment ago he’d poked me. “I love your smile. Have I told you that?”

“Only a few times.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He looked down at me, his stare intense. I shivered, despite the warmth of the sand against my back and the heat of the air.

My lips parted, expecting him to kiss me, but he didn’t.

He curled his fingers in my hair. “I love your smile,” he repeated. “Your laugh. The way your eyes light up when your happy. The way you say my name. I love it all.”

“My, Jude Brooks, it sounds like you love me,” I took on an overly dramatic southern accent.

My words were like a bucket of ice water to the both of us.

He rolled out of my hold and sat in the sand, staring out at the ocean.

Oh, shit.

“Jude,” I gasped, fear at my own words consuming me, “I didn’t mean it like that. I mean, how could you love me?” I rambled. “I’m kind of a bitch,” I muttered. “I’m really quite a mess, actually. I honestly meant it as a joke.”

“Hey,” he turned to me, his gaze instantly shutting me up. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re not a bitch and you’re not a mess. A little lost? Maybe. But who isn’t?” His shoulders sagged. “I just wasn’t expecting that is all. You surprised me. I’m sorry.”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance