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With a grin, he broke the kiss. He smiled down at me like I was his world.

I squeaked in surprise when he turned me around so my back was to his front. His hand eased up my top and then under the edge of the tank I wore. His fingers stroked lightly against my skin in tantalizing circles. I reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear. He rubbed his nose against my cheek and then I felt his mouth against my ear.

“Want to know a secret?”

I smiled. “Yeah.”

He chuckled warmly at my enthusiasm. “You’re beautiful.”

I reached behind me, wrapping my arms around his neck. I moved my hips to the beat of the song and his hands rose higher.

“You’re a charmer, Jude Brooks.”

He kissed the skin below my ear. “I’m no such thing.”

“Mhmm,” I closed my eyes, a small smile on my face.

He lowered his head, nuzzling my neck. His stubble scratched at my skin.

“The sun’s going down.” He whispered huskily in my ear. “Watch the stars with me?”

I couldn’t seem to find my voice, so I nodded in reply.

He turned me around so I faced him once more and my eyes popped open. “I want you to know that you make me want things I’ve never wanted with anyone else.” He swallowed thickly. “You should already know that,” he cracked a smile, “but I wanted to say the words out loud. I want you to know that you’re more for me.” He rubbed a strand of my hair between his fingers. “You’ve always been different, Tate. I used to watch you in high school and I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were and unlike other guys, I loved your tough girl attitude. You didn’t take shit from anyone. You weren’t afraid to speak your mind. I’ve always found that insanely attractive about you. But back then,” he smoothed a finger over my cheek, “it wasn’t our time. This, right now,” he leaned his forehead against mine, “is our time.”

I nodded in agreement. “Our time.”

He picked up the blanket and I thought it was to spread it back on the ground, but he didn’t. Instead he draped it over his arm and led me over to the truck. He put the tailgate down and grabbed me by my hips, lifting me up and onto the mountain of blankets and pillows.

I scooted back and found it surprisingly comfortable. He climbed in beside me and lay down on his back, fluffing a pillow behind his head.

We watched the last of the sun creep down below the line of the trees.

The sky became a pretty deep purple before darkening completely.

Under normal circumstances I would’ve been scared to death out in the middle of nowhere in complete darkness, but with Jude I wasn’t afraid at all. He made me feel comfortable and safe. I didn’t fear him and I knew he’d protect me from anything hiding in the dark. I trusted him fully.

He spread the blanket overtop of us and I rolled onto my side snuggling close to him. I laid my hand against his chest, rubbing my fingers in light circles over the thin cotton of his shirt.

I felt his lips brush my forehead in a barely there kiss and then his fingers smoothed through my hair. “You always smell so good,” he breathed.

I laughed, raising my head a bit to look in his eyes. “That was a strange thing to say.”

“What’s wrong with saying you smell good? Isn’t that a good thing?”

I laughed again and laid my head down. “Yeah, it’s a good thing.”

“What perfume do you use? I can’t figure out the scent.” His fingers rubbed my back.

“I don’t use perfume, just my shampoo and conditioner and that’s jasmine scented, but I showered with you this morning, remember? So I guess I smell like you.”

His chuckle vibrated my body and without even looking I knew he was grinning. “That’s why you smell even better today. I really like you smelling like me.”

“Don’t get all territorial man-beast on me now,” I laughed, pinching his chest lightly and then rubbing my fingers soothingly over the area.

“Me? Territorial? Never,” he gasped.

We both laughed at that.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance