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He laughed at that. “It’ll take a lot more than that to break me. I assure you.”

The elevator doors opened and a family stepped out, looking at us like we’d grown three heads.

Once in the elevator he still wouldn’t put me down. Stubborn man.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. I might as well get comfortable. I knew he wouldn’t put me down until he was good and ready.

He pushed the button for the fourth floor and the doors slid closed.

My heart rate spiked with the knowledge of what was coming. I pulled back and gazed up in wonder at him. Suddenly, he wasn’t just Trace—the scruffy, fun-loving, sucky dancer I fell in love with. He was my husband—the man I’d be spending the rest of my life with. The man I knew I couldn’t live without.

“What?” He asked when he noticed my staring.

“Nothing,” I whispered, laying my head against his shoulder once more.

My eyes closed and a smile of satisfaction graced my lips.

The doors dinged open and he started down the hallway, murmuring room numbers under his breath. “Aha,” he smiled in triumph as he stopped in front of one. He slid the keycard into the slot and it blinked with a green light. He opened the door and stepped inside, letting it slam closed behind him. He carried me to the bed and dropped me on top.

I giggled, scolding him. “Trace!”

He dropped on top of me, but caught his weight on his hands. I bounced from the momentum, biting my lip to stifle my laughter.

“Hey,” he murmured in a husky voice, his green eyes darkening to a forest green color.

“Hi,” I smiled, reaching up to trace my finger over his lips. He opened his mouth and playfully nipped at my finger. “Did we really get married?” I cupped his stubbled cheeks between my hands.

He nodded. “Already regretting it?”

“Never,” I shook my head.

“I know we’re young,” he whispered, lowering his head to skim his nose along my collarbone and up my neck, “but I feel like I’ve been waiting for this day since the moment I knew you were the one.”

“And when did you know I was the one?” I dared to ask.

He pulled back slightly, gazing at me thoughtfully. “It wasn’t just a single moment that I can name. It was an accumulation of moments that added up over time and I knew that I’d never be happy with anyone else. You were made for me, Olivia.”

“And you were made for me,” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Glad you think so,” he smiled crookedly.

“I know so.”

He placed a kiss on the end of my nose and whispered huskily, “I think we should stop talking now.”

I nodded in agreement as my back arched off the bed so that I could kiss him.

He cupped the back of my head, his fingers tangling in the wavy strands of my hair. I lightly bit his bottom lip and he growled low in his throat, causing my stomach to flood with warmth. His free hand skimmed over my cheek, down my neck, and over my shoulder. He pushed the plaid shirt he’d lent me off of my shoulders. It pooled at my elbows and I released my hold on him long enough to remove it.

“Your turn,” I gasped breathlessly.

With a raspy chuckle he pulled away and stood in front of me. He hooked his fingers into the back of the shirt and pulled it off.

I stared at his beautifully sculpted body and the tattoos that adorned his skin. I couldn’t believe that he was mine.

“Come here,” I crooked a finger, beckoning him forward.

He wet his lips, fighting a smile, but lowered his body over mine once more. I felt so small and protected cocooned beneath him like this.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Trace + Olivia Romance