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“Why? Because last I checked he was super into you, I mean there’s no missing it even if you’re blind, and he’s hot too which is a bonus. Also—thanks to those tight ass shorts Rush was wearing when I spotted him … I’m totally reexamining my decision to avoid him.” She holds out her hands showing me a measurement and mouths, “Huge.”

“It’s not that simple, Kira,” I whine in frustration. “He’s … he’s a musician, one who’s already had some moderate success and I’m certain after their full-length album release, and with my dad’s backing, it’s going to explode. That kind of attention and scrutiny … a relationship can’t make it that.”

She stares at me blankly. “Um … what about your parents? Maddox and Emma? Ezra and Sadie? Mathias and Remy? I think you have plenty of proof it can work—besides, I didn’t say anything about a relationship. I think a little harmless fun would be good for you.”

“I don’t think I can do that,” I admit with a shake of my head.

She rolls her eyes at me and huffs a breath.

“Look,” I begin before she can start a rant. “Anything between Hollis and me is a bad idea. It’ll only lead to disaster. I refuse to jeopardize his career if my dad found out—which he would, he always does.”

I rest my elbows on the table and my head in my hands. I stare down at my sandwich for a moment, suddenly not hungry anymore.

She blinks at me, looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Who gives a flying fuck what your dad thinks?”

“Kira,” I scold, as we get a dirty look from the older couple sitting nearby at one of the round tables.

“Whatever.” She gives them a dirty look right back. “Anyway, back to our conversation, it shouldn’t matter what your dad thinks. You’re a grown woman—you’re allowed to be with whomever you want and he has no say.”

“It’s about respect,” I mutter.

She sighs. “I understand how much you love your parents, especially your dad, and not wanting to piss him off, but this is your life, Mia. Not his. What if

you miss out on something great because you fear his reaction? I’m not only talking about Hollis, either.”

I bite my lip, because unfortunately, she has a point.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly.

“Think about it,” she pleads.

I nod. “I will.”

It’ll be all I can think about, because it’s all that’s been consuming me anyway.

* * *

Entering the studio in the afternoon I stroll to the kitchen area, dropping my backpack on the counter. I grab something to drink before poking my head into the recording room.

My dad claps his hands, grinning from ear to ear, and says, “One more time,” to whoever is in the booth. I glance to the glass and find Hollis. Instantly, my throat closes up. What his voice does to me…

“Do you guys need anything?” I ask the three guys sitting on the couch.

They all shake their heads no.

“I have homework I’m going to start. If you need me I’ll be out there.” I point over my shoulder like they don’t already know where I’ll be.

I slip from the room before Hollis can start singing again. The last thing I need is to get ensnared by his mesmerizing voice.

Grabbing my backpack from where I left it I head to the front of the studio and sit on one of the couches, spreading my work around me.

I keep looking up from my work, expecting Hollis to pop into the room, but he doesn’t. I silently curse myself for being disappointed. I want him to stay away, it’s for the best, but when he does then I get like this. It’s pathetic.

I get halfway through my work before everyone’s complaining about how hungry they are. I place an order at a restaurant a few blocks away.

“The food should be ready any minute,” I tell them, poking my head into the recording room. “I’m going to walk over now.”

Hollis clears his throat. “I’ll go with you. You shouldn’t walk alone.”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Us Romance