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“You want to drive me home?” she asks. “It’s like ten hours without stopping—and you have to stop for gas, food, potty breaks,” she rambles.

“I don’t mind.” I take a bite of my food. “It’ll be fun.”

The idea of a ten-plus-hour road trip with anyone else would have me wanting to poke my eyes out with a spoon, but not with Grace. I think it would be fun.

“If you’re sure, I’d love that. It saves me from having to ride the train. I hate the train.”

I chuckle. “I’m surprised your parents wouldn’t pay for you to fly home.”

“They would,” she admits. “But it’s so much cheaper to go by train. I don’t like them to spend money on unnecessary things.”

I bend my head to peer under the table. “Says the girl wearing a thousand-dollar pair of shoes.”

“I have my priorities.” She laughs.

There’s a speck of spaghetti sauce in the corner of her lip and I reach across the table

to swipe it away. I lick the sauce off my finger and her eyes widen with desire.

We’re playing a very dangerous game, one where someone gets hurt, but both of us seem helpless to stop it.

“You’re bringing all of this?” Bennett looks at all my bags sitting by the door of my dorm.

“Yes. I’m going to be home for three weeks. I need this stuff.”

He shakes his head like he can’t believe it. “You’re going home. How could you possibly need this much? I’m only bringing one bag and it’s not like I have stuff waiting at your house for me.”

I shrug. “I’m a girl, we need a lot of stuff.”

“I’d like to point out that I’m a girl and I don’t need that much stuff.” Elle points to the two duffle bags she has packed.

“Yeah, well you’re also flying home,” I reason. “It’s always better to pack light for a flight.”

“We need to get out of here,” Bennett says, grabbing three of my bags. “We’re already late.”

“I’ll meet you outside,” I tell him. “I want to say goodbye to Elle.”

He nods once and leaves us alone.

After our disastrous first encounter, I would’ve never thought Elle would end up becoming one of the best friends I’ve ever had, but she has. We’re only off for three weeks, but I’m going to miss her.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she warns.

“Like what?” I try not to laugh.

“Like you’re going to cry. I know I’m awesome but I’m not that awesome.”

“Come here, you loser,” I say and pull her into a hug.

We sway back and forth and she whispers, “I’m going to miss you.”

“I knew it.” I laugh, letting her go.

There’s a knock on our door and we turn to the open doorway to find Ryland. His dark hair is damp from a shower and he wears a pair of jeans and an Addams University sweatshirt. “Are you ready?” he asks Elle.

She nods. “I’ll see you in three weeks,” she tells me and hugs me again.

“Bye, Grace.” Ryland waves.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Us Romance