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The whole arena is silent, watching us with surprise and maybe a little fascination.

She shrugs with a wry smile. “Getting my man back.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Is that what I am? Your man?”

She rests her arms on the rail and leans over. Her hair tumbles over her shoulder and fuck she’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.

“I mean, only if you want to be. Before you say no, though, I have a list of reasons why you should say yes.”

I cross my arms over my chest and fight a grin. “Is that so, Princess? What are they?”

“Number one, I’ll always bring you Sour Patch Kids even if I think they’re the grossest thing ever.” I laugh at this. “Two,” she ticks it off on her finger, “I’ll learn to ice skate and maybe even learn to play hockey.” I press my lips together, staving off my smile. “Three, I’ll always tell you when you’re wrong—which you are, a lot.” I shake my head. “Four, when you start to get to cocky, I’ll bring you back down to Earth.” She winks, and fuck it if my stomach doesn’t do a little flip because dammit that’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. “And five, I love you and that’s reason enough.”

“Fuck yes it is.”

She bends down as far as she can and I kiss her. I kiss her with everything I have in me. All the love, and hurt, and anguish I’ve felt is poured into that kiss as everyone in the stadium cheers.

Grace smiles down at me and I think to myself; Fuck, this is my girl.

I finally got the girl.

I finally got it all.

I slide the zipper closed on my last bag.

I made it through a whole year of college and I didn’t die, so yay for small miracles.

“I’m going to miss you so much.” Elle tackle hugs me.

I laugh and balance myself so we don’t fall. “I’m sure I’ll see you before next year.”

“But not every day.” She pulls away and frowns. “I was so wrong about you when I first met you and I’m sorry for that. You’ve taught me not to judge a book by its cover.”

“Stop saying nice things,” I scold her. “You’re going to make me cry and this mascara is too expensive to ruin.”

She busts out laughing.

A knock raps against our open door and I look behind me to see Bennett standing there with coffees and cupcakes.

“I figured since it’s your last day, you both deserved a treat.”

The last few months have been beyond amazing with Bennett. We’ve spent as much time together as we could, but it’s been hard with school and his schedule. We’ve made it work, though, and we’re happy, so that’s what matters. Even though what happened to us sucked, I think it ultimately made us stronger. I hate that I ever doubted him for one second. I know it wasn’t my fault—I mean, with the evidence presented in front of me, there was only one way for me to think—but I know Bennett. I know his heart and soul and those things count more than anything else.

“Thank you.” I smile at him.

“Thanks, Bennett.” Elle takes a coffee. “Well—” she turns to me “—I have to get to the airport before I miss my flight.”

Emotion tugs at my heart. “I’m going to miss you.” I hug her again. “Call, text, send a carrier pigeon—just don’t lose touch.”

“I won’t,” she promises and picks up her bag. “Ryland’s outside waiting.”

“Tell him goodbye from me, please?” I ask her.

She nods. “I will.”

As soon as she’s gone, Bennett picks me up and tosses me on the bed before jumping on beside me. My laughter fills the air as we bounce up and down.

He props his head on his hand and gazes down at me, tracing his fingers lazily over my bare stomach where my shirt has ridden up.

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