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Willow nods with a sheepish smile. She might’ve grown up in the limelight but the girl hates the attention. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Oh, my God,” Elle breathes. “I can’t believe you’re Willow Wade.” She shakes her head back and forth. “That is so cool. You must’ve seen some pretty amazing places growing up with all the traveling you guys did.”

Willow shrugs. “It wasn’t as exciting as you’d think. We stayed in hotels or on the tour bus most of the time.”

“Oh,” Elle says. “I guess that makes sense.”

My mom comes breezing over, looking killer in her dress, and I introduce her to Elle and Ryland. I’ve talked to her about both of them, so she’s thrilled to finally meet them.

“I just wanted to let you guys know the food will be here soon.”

And then she’s off again.


ascen and Lylah—Willow’s brother and sister—join us at our table, and Everett, Everly, Noah, Adalyn, and Mia take seats at the table next to us—they’re children of two of the other members of Willow Creek.

It’s nice seeing everyone since I haven’t seen most of them since summer. I know I’m lucky to have grown up around so many other kids my age. We all formed a special, unbreakable, bond.

A commotion near the ballroom’s entrance sends us all turning in that direction.

“Liam!” Willow cries and then she’s up, dashing out of her chair. She throws herself into Liam’s arms and he hugs her tightly.

Dean groans and moves his chair back to stand. “I better say hi.”

I laugh. “You still don’t like him?”

He shrugs and glances to where Willow stands with her cousin and his girlfriend. “We patched things up, but …” He trails off and shrugs like that’s answer enough.

I watch him greet Liam with an outstretched hand and then Liam smiles and pulls him into a hug. Maybe things aren’t as bad as Dean thinks they are.

Bennett whistles. “Fuck, you know too many people for me to keep up with all of them.”

I laugh. “And you haven’t even met my aunt and uncle and their kids.”

“I’m going to need a drink.” Bennett chuckles.

I pat his knee. “That can be arranged.”

Willow and Dean return to our table and Liam pulls over two chairs for him and his girlfriend to join us. We scoot around and make room for them. It’s cramped but it works.

“Hey, Liam,” I greet. I last saw Liam in Hawaii over the summer when I tagged along with Dean and Willow to see him at his surfing competition. “Hello, Ari.” I lean over to wave at his girlfriend.

I didn’t get to know her very well while we were in Hawaii and I don’t think they were dating then anyway. Who knows? Liam’s always been really secretive so they could’ve been together and not telling anyone. She seemed nice enough, if a little wary. That wariness is even more prevalent in her vivid blue eyes now.

“Hi,” she mumbles, but it’s like she doesn’t even notice me as her eyes flit around the large room. She looks scared, like she expects someone to jump out from behind one of the large columns that line the room and get her. Liam whispers something in her ear and she seems to relax, but only slightly.

The food is served then and we all fall into easy conversation as we eat.

When the food is gone and the plates are cleared off the table, the band finally takes the stage.

Bennett stands and offers me his hand. “May I have this dance, milady.”

I laugh. “Only if you promise not to be cheesy the whole time.”

“I’ll do my best.” He grins as I place my hand in his. He closes his over mine and my hand nearly disappears in his large grasp.

He leads me out onto the ballroom floor and we begin to dance—and not like club-grinding kind of dancing. No this is real, like a waltz.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Us Romance