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“So you have trust issues with height.”

“Full blown bad relationship and breakup.”

“Well, here’s to reconciling. If you open your eyes, I’ll kiss you.”

Startled by my declaration, his eyes flash open and he looks at me in surprise. “You’ll what?”

I press my lips to his at once, tasting him.

He crumbles against me as I kiss him, all of his big confidence turned into putty in my arms.

“That,” he murmurs between our kisses, “was very … very cruel.”

I pull my face away from him to get a look into his eyes. He stares at me, the wind tossing our hair. In this moment, any notion of height is so far away from his mind, we might as well be kissing down on the streets again.

Alan shakes his head. “You surprise me.”

“I like you, Alan,” I tell him. “A lot. And sure, you might see me as some kinda sheltered country boy, but I’ve had a boyfriend or two growing up. I’ve got sides of me you haven’t seen. I’m daring, Alan. I’m not just a lovesick puppy who’s got stars in his eyes for the hot guy from the airport.”

Alan’s eyes drop to my lips. Remarkably, he still isn’t the least bit concerned with the fact that he’s standing on his balcony for the first time ever.

“Me, too,” he says suddenly, then brings his gaze up to mine. “You aren’t like anyone I’ve ever met, Connor. Maybe I like that this place hasn’t put its teeth into you yet. I like that sweetness in your eyes … that innocence, that openness …”

I smile and go for another kiss.

Alan stops me. “Promise me you’ll stay open. Promise me you won’t let this city beat you down, no matter how hard things get. And …” He takes a deep breath. “And I gotta confess something.”

“Me, too,” I tell him, then bring my lips to his ear and whisper, “I want to do so many things with you on that excessively big king-size bed of yours, right now.”


Alan’s body stiffens up against me.

I give his ear a nip with my teeth.

He sighs with delight, then slides his hands up my body and takes hold of me. “Connor …”

I bring my lips to his, kissing him deeply.

Suddenly our feet carry us back into his room, putting the scary balcony and the skyline behind us. In a clumsy dance of shoes being kicked off and many fingers grappling for the buttons of pants or shirts, we drop onto Alan’s bed and make out like a pair of possessed animals.

I claw at his shirt, raking it over his head, and maul his face with my lips, holding myself over his body with my hands pressed to the firm bed. I feel his eager fingers slip into my underwear, and he finds what he was looking for.

I moan under his touch, pleasure rushing over my body like ocean waves crashing. “Yes, yes, yes,” I encourage him, practically pleading. “Like that, yes.”

He strokes me as he grabs the back of my head with his hand, pulling my face against his.

My fingers play down the sculpted shape of his slender, firm, toned form. I love how my fingertips practically bounce down his hundred-crunches-a-day abs, then hook as naturally as anything into the waistband of his boxers.

I give them a tug, and our cocks press together.

It’s anguish to let go of his lips, but I’m quickly rewarded by placing a path of kisses down his firm, chiseled form and through his happy trail.

My mouth wraps tightly around his cock, and then I descend without warning down every inch of him to the base. Alan sighs with pleasure—as if I wasn’t rewarded enough. He tastes perfect and clean, and the throbbing of his cock against my tongue simply emboldens me to suck harder and faster.

I love when he slides his fingers into my hair, then grips the back of my head with command, guiding the blowjob I’m giving him—gently at first, then with mounting urgency and power.

A glimpse up his hard, cascading abs at his face reveals he’s watching me, which is such a turn on.

We haven’t had a conversation about this. This is as spontaneous as I have ever been in the sack. I don’t know if I’m supposed to top him, or if he wants to top me, or if it’s an anything-goes kind of situation. I’ve tried both, and I’m down for either. All I know is, if I don’t get off soon, and if one of us isn’t inside the other in the next hot minute …

Alan lets go of my head at once, then reaches for his nightstand drawer. He produces condoms and a tube of lube, just like that.

I lift off his dick for a second, surprised. “Are you reading my mind?”

“Roll this on my dick, lube it up, and sit on it.”

Tags: Daryl Banner Boys & Toys Season 2 M-M Romance