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He’s right, and I close my eyes. “Leave at once and don’t come back,” I tell the demon and shove the energy ball into the kid’s chest. The demon sizzles, smoke hissing out of the kid’s eyes and nose. His body starts to tremble, and Lucas holds him still so he won’t fall off the couch.

And then the demon is gone.

“Hey,” I say softly. The kid doesn’t open his eyes.

“His heart is beating,” Lucas tells me. “He’s alive.”

“But not well,” I say because Lucas won’t.

“No.” Lucas looks out the windows. Demons have surrounded the house, chanting again. A horse whinnies, and its call is answered by another horse. We both look at each other, not speaking. Another Horseman is here. “I need to get you to the Covenstead.” Lucas’s face is sullen, and he knows there’s no way we can get to the door.

“Did War stab you?” I put my hand on his chest. The fabric of his shirt is torn with no wound underneath.

“He tried, but no. This was from a demon.” Lucas takes both my hands in his, looking me up and down. “You used your angel powers. Are you okay?”

I bob my head up and down. “I felt that same red-hot pain, but it subsided.”

“You have to use those powers,” he says, thinking out loud. “I don’t know how quickly things can progress if you do and…fuck.”

“What?” I ask, thinking things can’t get any worse.

“Paimon was watching you earlier today. I don’t think it was the first time he’s spied on you. If he knows using your angel powers accelerates the pregnancy, I think they’re doing this on purpose. They want you to go into labor.”

“No. That’s…that’s not possible. I mean. It can’t be. I’m not giving birth at home and especially not when said home is surrounded by demons.” I inhale but get no air. “I’ve fought demons before without using my angelic side.”

“And the only way you were able to defeat Bael was to burn him with hellfire.” His dark blue eyes look deep into mine, and then he pulls me to him. “I will do everything I can to protect you and our daughter. Promise me you’ll let me.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.” I close my eyes. “Dad? Julian? Lucifer? Anyone? We’re surrounded by Horsemen and demons.”

The kid coughs, and Lucas and I break apart. He tries to sit up, gasping for air, looking absolutely terrified. His eyes roll back and his head lolls to the side. Then he flops back down, unmoving.

“His heart is slowing,” Lucas says.

“Maybe I can heal him.”

Lucas grabs my hand. “That’s using your angel-powers.”

I open my mouth to protest but stop. Saving this kid puts my own at risk. “I can’t let him die.” I yank free of Lucas’s grasp and go to the kid. Putting my hand over his heart, I try to tap into the powers that live deep within me, kept under lock and key until it’s safe to fully access them. Nothing happens.

“Dammit!” I lift my hands up and try again. I can kill demons, but I can’t heal humans.

“You’re doing it wrong.”

I snap my head to the side, Julian’s voice so fucking welcome right now. I didn’t feel the energy shift right before he appeared because I was concentrating so hard.

“Thank fucking god,” Lucas says with a sigh of relief.

“God did not send me,” Julian tells him. “I heard Callie’s call.”

“It doesn’t matter. You’re here. Now get Callie out of here.” Desperation and fear flash in Lucas’s eyes.

“Heal the kid first,” I tell them both.

Julian knows by now not to argue with me when it comes to something like this. He steps over to the child, places his hand on his chest, and heals whatever damage the demon has done. The kid sits up with a startled gasp, eyes wide.

“Everything is going to be okay,” Julian tells the kid, putting his hand on the kid’s shoulder. “What is your name?”

“Caleb,” the kid replies, visibly relaxing.

“Think about your house, Caleb. I will take you home.”

Nodding, Caleb closes his eyes and thinks about his house. A second passes, and they’re still there on the couch.

“Something’s wrong.” Julian touches the kid’s forehead, and he falls back, asleep.

“You’re just now figuring that out?” Lucas chides.

“Something else is wrong.” Julian moves away from the couch and spreads his wings out, tipping his head up. Seeing an angel like this is impressive, and even with the terror outside my door, I feel calmed to look upon his great feathered wings. “I can’t leave.”

Chapter 35

Julian’s wings fold back, disappearing from sight. He strides to the window and holds up a hand, reading the energy the demons are carrying. They’re still chanting, and more and more have joined in.

“What are they saying?” I rest my hands on my stomach, some of the pain starting to register now that my fight-or-flight instinct is wearing off.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Fantasy