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“I used to think doomsday preppers were full of shit.” I nervously laugh. “Looks like they were onto something.”

“Would it make you feel better to stock up on food and supplies?”

“Yes and no. I don’t want to be the only ones who survive this. I don’t want to live in a world filled with death and destruction. If the Horsemen win…I don’t think we’ll ever come back from it.”

“I’ve seen the world go through horrendous things before. I’ve said vampires are superior to humans, but one thing humanity has on us is their drive to prevail. I’ve witnessed communities rise up after horrible acts of violence. I’ve seen enemies come together after natural disasters. You can’t lose hope, Callie.”

“I’m trying not to,” I say, eyes filling with tears. It’s not like me to only see the bad in a situation. I’m irritatingly stubborn and refuse to give up. It’s why I’m always in danger. “Death.” I sit up and look out the window. “Without hope, you have despair. And what’s more dangerous than a desperate person?”

“Death isn’t going to just take lives. He’s going to kill hope,” Lucas finishes. “Without hope, why fight? Why put forth the effort to prevail?”

“He’ll make people give up before the bad shit even happens. Humanity won’t come together and overcome a damn thing if they think there’s no hope.” I put my head in my hands. “Fuck.”

“We will come up with something.” Lucas takes my hands in his and kisses me. “And we won’t lose hope. I promise you this, Callie.” I flip my hands around and lace my fingers through his. “You are the most important thing to me, and soon we will have a child of our own. Whatever happens, I will protect you.”

“I know you will,” I whisper, getting choked up with emotion. Lucas will forever be my rock, my anchor to my sanity. Nothing will come between us. Demons, archangels, the fucking apocalypse…we can face it all because we have each other. “I love you.”

“And I love you.”

I close my eyes again, not attempting to stop the tears that roll down my cheeks. “We should order a dresser and a rocking chair for the nursery.” I inhale and open my eyes, putting on a smile. “I started feeling that nesting feeling today when we were walking around Paradise Valley and passed by a cute handmade-furniture store.”

“Did you see anything you liked?”

“Yes. A white rocking chair with this ridiculously girly pink cushion with little white unicorns printed on it.”

“Well,” he starts, flipping my hand back over so he can trace the lines of my veins in my wrist. “If it’s safe, let’s go tonight and get what we need. Being prepared for the arrival of our daughter will make us both feel better. You’re going to need a few things as well after you give birth.”

“Right. Like iced pads.” I make a face. “Abby emailed me a list of stuff she wasn’t prepared for. I can order it all online.”

“Then order it.”


“Why not? It beats sitting here worrying.” He kisses me and gets up. “Where is your computer?”

“Under my nightstand, I think.”

“I’ll get it.” Lucas goes upstairs, and I push myself up, going back to the window. Anything? I ask my familiars. There are no demons around the house or in the woods leading to the Covenstead door. There’s a weird energy they haven’t felt before. It’s more than just a negative energy…it’s angry and powerful but hard to detect.

I can see Julian moving through the woods, walking a few paces and then flying over to another spot. Lucas comes back into the library with my laptop and sets it on the coffee table.

“My familiars said they can’t sense a demon in physical form,” I tell him and tear my gaze away from the window, returning to the couch. I get my laptop opened and click on the little stamp icon to bring up Abby’s email.

Another letter falls through the fireplace, and Lucas speeds over to get it. “Maryellen will be here in an hour,” he tells me.

“I need to relax before then,” I grumble, not wanting to be told I need to go back to the hospital because my blood pressure is up, but can you freaking blame me for being stressed? “This is the list from Abby.” Lucas sits next to me on the couch, feet up on the coffee table. I get a few things added to my Amazon cart, when Julian, Scarlet, and my familiars come inside.

“There are no demons in the woods,” Julian says, bringing his arm in close to his body. The dagger in his hand disappears from sight.

“Just a weird, angry energy,” I add.

“Yes, how did you—oh, your familiars.”

“Right.” I nod. “So, what do we do?”

“You stay here and take care of yourself.” He holds my gaze for a few seconds. “That way we can go to lunch again soon.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Fantasy