Page 25 of The Prettiest Woman

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I snickered, “I haven’t watched that in so long.” My laugh was short-lived. I felt his bulge rising between us and my head was telling me to pull away but I got closer. I wanted to feel the blood pulsing through it, I wanted to make it twitch and I wanted to see just how big it was. I was definitely in heat and his dick was huge.

I instinctively licked my lips and looked him in the eyes. His eyes took on a stormy blue color and my entire body felt as if had been struck by lightning. His hand went to my hair and he brought his lips to mine. I lost myself in him. The taste of him was intoxicating. He tasted like wine and passion. His lips were warm and soft and he knew what to do with them. I melted into his body and enjoyed the feeling of being close to him. It felt like it was where I belonged, which was crazy because I’d just met him. Was life really supposed to be like that?

I was incredibly turned on. I broke my no kissing on the first date rule and didn’t care. I felt like my entire body was singing. I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next. We spent the next couple of hours dancing, laughing and making out like teenagers. It was without a doubt the best date of my life.

“I’m so sorry, but I have to be up extremely early. Let’s get you home.”

“Okay.” I said casually even though I was disappointed. I was having a lot of fun.

He obviously noticed my disappointment, “How about you come back to my place for a bit, just for coffee though.”

There was no way that we were going to his apartment just for coffee, not if I had anything to do with it. I knew the game. Men invited you over for a movie, for a drink or something innocent and you ended up having hot sex. And, that’s what I wanted.

“Coffee sounds really good. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a brat, I’m just really enjoying being with you.”

“It’s okay; I don’t do anything I don’t want to do. I didn’t want to take you home just yet; I was trying to do the responsible thing.”

We made our way out of the bar and hopped into his car. We pulled up to the Trump building.

“You do not live here.” I said in disbelief.

“I do.” he grinned.

“How many small fish has your company swallowed? Oh my god, it’s super expensive here.”

“The question is how many small fish have I turned to medium fish and then sold to a big fish.”

I felt like I was in an urban fairytale. I could see why Jessica was addicted to this lifestyle. I’d experienced more in one evening than I had in the span of a few years.

We walked inside of the huge building and took the elevator up to the 69th floor. I snickered.

“I already know what you’re thinking.” he grinned, “And yes, I chose this floor on purpose. I thought that it was pretty funny.”

“My favorite number.”

“See, I told you that you’re dangerous.”

“I can be.” I said in a sultry voice that I’d never heard come from me before. I was acting like a sex-crazed nympho but my body needed a release and he was setting me off. All I could think about was having his body inside of me. We walked down the hall to his condo and he opened the door. It was beautiful. We had a view of the Chicago River and Lake Michigan. I passed by all of his manly high-end furniture and stood at the window.

“There goes that look again.” he said as he pulled my hair free from my pony tail. My hair fell over my shoulders and I was grateful because it had a mind of its own. Some days it behaved and some days it acted like a heathen.

“This view is breathtaking.” I said.

“It sure is.” he smiled. I looked at him and realized that he was looking at me as he said it. I smiled at him, “I like it when you look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“It’s probably the same look I give when I’m looking out of the window. As if you’re seeing something new and wondrous.”

“That’s how it feels to be quite honest. You’re gorgeous and you have the personality to match. You’re a diamond Roxie.”

“Thank you. So are you.” I turned and looked at the rest of his condo, “Can I have a tour?”

“Sure. Don’t judge me too harshly because I haven’t had time to do much with this place since my divorce. This was my big fuck you to her. I wanted a bachelor’s pad and I figured this was the ultimate pad.”

“So you have women running in and out of the condo?”

“That’s what’s so ironic about it. I haven’t had the time and I haven’t really wanted to. I went a little wild after my divorce but it got old really fast.”

Tags: Lena Skye Romance