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“You said no more alcohol.”

“Here,” he corrected.

She sighed. “Fine. Only one glass. Are you bringing me to your harem place again?”

He scoffed at her. “I happen to like that penthouse.”

“Then why don’t you sleep there?”

“I sleep somewhere else, depending on work,” he told her smoothly.

“Right, that’s where you usually take the women you sleep with to.”

“Like I said, we’re not sleeping together tonight.” Not until we’ve made arrangements.

She didn’t say anything as he drove along the coast, taking a more scenic route to his penthouse. He didn’t disturb her, so she’d feel less suspicious. Besides, he liked silence too. It was a welcome respite from work.

Mikaela saw the building come closer. It was here that she had made love to him, or maybe in his thoughts had a good bang. Well, you’re not making love to someone you don’t love, she reasoned. His penthouse was the same as she had left it, except this time, there were fresh flowers in the foyer. Finally, some semblance of warmth, right?

He quickly lit the fireplace with the terrace doors wide open for a cool night breeze. She sat down on a comfortable couch, facing the city view and a faint outline of the shoreline. He brought over two glasses and a chilled bottle of wine.

“I really don’t want to drink,” she sighed.

“I don’t want you to, actually. I’m just being hospitable. Besides, I’d like you sober for a decision.”

“What decision?” her head snapped up.

He smiled and opened the bottle of wine, pouring some for himself. “I have a proposal.”

“Spill it.”

“I want you to read it.”

Was he for real? Read what? Then he handed her a folder. She didn’t like the sound of this at all. She opened the folder and read a few sentences.

Sexual Consent Form

Right of Privacy Agreement

I _______________________ hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am over 18 years old. I further declare that this agreement is of my own free will and that

neither I nor anyone near or dear to me has been threatened with harm or embarrassment. Both parties agree that this is a private agreement not to be disclosed to third parties except…

She looked up. “Are you shitting me?”

He shook his head. “Of course not. This is for both our safety. Which is why I needed you sober.”

“This is your idea of a nightcap?” Her face heated up. And here she had thought it was going to be a romantic end to the night, even if she didn’t want it to end so soon.

“Don’t dismiss it right away. Read it, it isn’t much. I’m not into BDSM or anything close to that.”

She was furious. “You actually think I’m a damned hooker or something, huh?”

“The something part is vague. Can you specify? Joking aside, I think it’s worth reading. You’ll find it’s beneficial.”

“Like I’m your sex slave?” She was flabbergasted, but she read on, wondering what other bullshit he had put here.

{Name}, known as “First Party,” agrees to enter into this contract with {Name}, known as “Second Party” on {date}.

Tags: Lena Skye Billionaire Romance