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She paused, suppressing another sigh.

‘Are you all right?’

Her head twisted in surprise.


Leo’s eyes flashed briefly.

‘Are you feeling all right?’ he repeated.

‘I’m fine,’ she answered shortly, and made to go on walking.

A hand stayed her, cupping around her bare elbow. She wanted to pull away, but there was something about his grip that held her.

‘What?’ she demanded, this time resisting the impulse to look at him.

‘Anna—listen to me.’

There was something different about his voice. She didn’t know what it was, but it made her look at him. His face was sombre. The expression quite different from any she had seen. For a moment she just looked at him, a slight puzzle in her eyes.


The words came heavily, the look he levelled at her even heavier.

A lump seemed to be forming in her throat. It made it difficult for her to speak, but she forced herself. Her chin went up, jaw tightening.

‘Tell me something,’ she shot back. ‘Why do you care less if I fight you or not? Why do you care about anything except getting what you want in bed?’ There was a challenge in her voice. A bitter defiance.

Something shadowed his eyes, so briefly she thought she must have imagined it. Then he answered her.

‘Because I’m tired, Anna. I’m tired and fed up, and my ankle hurts, and I’m hungry, and you’ve given me nothing but grief, and I just want—I just want an easy day for once. OK? Is that so big a deal? Can we really not just this once have a civil, civilised meal together, without you giving me the big freeze the whole damn time?’

Anna’s eyes narrowed to slits. ‘Why should I? Tell me that. You get the night times! The rest of the day you can go whistle!’

She saw his jaw clench, then slowly unclench.

‘I’ll do a deal with you. A one-off special. Just while my ankle is bad. Tonight you can have off, if—if you lose the attitude today.’

Anna looked at him. Was he serious? Or was this just another baiting mockery of her?

‘Do you mean it?’ she demanded.

‘Oh, yes. Tonight, providing you behave like a normal woman today, you can sleep in your own bed. If, of course—’ and suddenly the baiting, mocking look she’d been expecting was there ‘—you want to.’

Her green eyes flashed. ‘Oh, I want to all right.’

His dark eyes glinted. She thought it was anger, but was not sure. ‘Then we have a deal?’ he posed.

For one moment longer she went on glaring at him. Then she gave a brief nod. After all, she had no choice, did she? Leo Makarios was blackmailing her into sex—any chance she got to escape a night of ‘reparation’ had to be grabbed—didn’t it?

Of course it does! Grab it with both hands! Because if you don’t you’ll know—and he’ll know—why you don’t! And your humiliation at his hands will be complete. Your defeat total.

The thought was unbearable. Only one thing in the world would be worse than Leo Makarios knowing how weak, how vulnerable she was to him.

And that would be him knowing it as well. She would endure anything to prevent that. Even endure having a civil lunch with him.

He let go her elbow.

‘Good,’ was all he said.

He set off along the path again, leaving her to follow.

Lunch was served at tables set out under a wide awning on a terrace with a breathtaking view down over the bay below. A cooling breeze wafted gently, making the heat comfortable.

Anna took her place, gazing out over the vista. It really was beautiful, she thought, and for a moment a pang struck her so deep that it was like the thrust of a knife.

It’s so idyllic, so magical! Why can’t I be here with someone else? Why does it have to be Leo Makarios?

But even as the words formed she knew they were not true. The knife twisted painfully.

It’s not because it’s Leo Makarios—it’s because of the reason I’m here with him. That’s what’s so awful!

Her eyes looked out over the vivid greens of the vegetation, the brilliant azure of the sea, and she felt an ache start inside her—a longing so great that she felt overwhelmed by it.

Oh, God, if only he didn’t think me a thief! If he didn’t think me a thief I could be—

Another voice cut across her mind. Harsh and punishing.

You could be what? His mistress? His sex toy while he wants you, and then dumped for the next one that takes his eye?

Her eyes hardened. Yes, that was the best she could ever be for Leo Makarios. A man who regarded women as mistresses. To be enjoyed, pampered and then disposed of. Hadn’t she heard the way he spoke about Vanessa and his cousin Markos? Why should she assume Leo would think any better of her, even if he didn’t believe she was a thief?

Tags: Julia James Billionaire Romance