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I love my family with every ounce of my being, but these two, my husband and my son are my everything.

My heart beats for them.

My road to them was less than conventional. Filled with potholes and construction crews. It was made to test me and break me, and it did.

But I don’t regret a second.

Because what came after is bliss.

I’d do it all again.

“What are you writing, my love?” Liam sneaks up behind me, placing his hands firmly on my shoulders, digging his fingers in to massage the tight muscles.

“Oh, my speech for the banquet.” I tell him as he places light kisses down the back of my neck. We’re in my home office, a small room at the back of our Boston home. Light filters through the open windows, filling the space with sunshine. This is my room in the house, filled with light colors and too much pink. This is the room I run my charity from, plan fundraising events, and write.

“When can I hear it?” he asks, I can feel him peeking over, to catch a glimpse of the word document on my screen.

The speech is for my next engagement at a women’s luncheon, raising money for the women’s shelter.

“Soon.” I close the laptop and turn my head to face him.

He chuckles. “We need to leave soon for Gabi’s party.”

My niece’s fifth birthday party is tonight, Gabriella is the oldest of all the kids, Gio’s first child. I didn’t think I could love a kid more than her until I had my own.

Cross Giuseppe O’Connor is my life, I didn’t know how much love I had in my heart until he was born.

My son.

We waited a long time to have children, I was never ready, still wasn’t when I got pregnant with Cross. This life we lead will never not be dangerous. Bringing a child into this world isn’t an easy decision. Lucky for us, Cross barged into this world before we could really choose.

I wouldn’t change it for anything.

“I know.” I tell Liam. “Where’s Cross?”

“Just woke up.” He presses another kiss to my forehead and turns to leave. I follow him out to the living room where Cross coos from his playpen, only four months old.

I wrap him up in my arms, kissing his tiny face lightly. I soak up every minute with this little boy, knowing one day he’s going to grow up. He’ll be a grown man, the single thread holding the peace between two families in two cities.

I hope he has the strength; I hope we built a solid foundation for him.

Tags: Natalia Lourose Crime