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The “inner circle” is the name we gave to the four families. Made up of four super wealthy families, they have more of a hand in Washington than most people probably realize.

The Bancrofts, Radcliffes, Monroes, and Wolfes.

Also known as the families of Noah’s four closest friends.

It sounds like the beginning to a lame joke: what happens when you get an investment banker, a real estate developer, the CEO of a media conglomerate, and a senator in a room together? They become best friends and take over D.C.

“You look pretty,” she says, and I know she means it because Auden doesn’t do sarcasm.

I’m not good at meeting the standards of Noah’s family. They want a picture perfect trophy wife for him, not the state college educated daughter of one of their employees. Still, Noah dates me.

Tonight, I’m wearing a simple black dress that drops low in the front, showing off my cleavage, and a pair of over the knee black heeled boots. My lips are coated in black lipstick and there's a majestic set of black angel wings in the back seat. I don’t know how rich people do Halloween, but I’m thinking this is it.

“Thanks,” I toss her a smile. It’s not that I dislike Auden, when it’s just us we’re fine. She’s just the perfect youngest child and being her older sister can be challenging sometimes. “What are you and Kelly doing tonight?”

She flashes me a sly smile. “If I tell you… can you not tell Mom and Dad?”

I slap my hand over my heart in shock. “Are you, Auden Elizabeth Wilder, the perfect child about to do something bad?” I ask with a smile.

She laughs, “Just a party with some kids from school.”

“Will there be alcohol there?”

“Probably,” she shrugs. “But you know me, I won’t drink that.”

“Sure,” I laugh. Auden is a goody two-shoes, I’m surprised she would even consider going to a party at all. “Just be safe, hmm?” I use my elbow to nudge her.

“I will,” she says. “Mik,” she adds after a moment. “What is sex like?” A blush rises to her cheeks as she asks me the question. My sister is a sweet, sweet virgin. She’s the definition of innocent.

“Auden,” I inhale sharply, “Are you—”

“I don’t know.” She cuts me off. She looks intimidated and nervous.

“Auden,” I say lower, more serious. “Don’t do anything you’re not ready for. You should take your time.”

She sighs, twisting her fingers in her lap. “I know, but I think I want to… I’m just scared, ya know?”

I know. I think about my own first time in the back of a pickup truck when we lived in North Carolina. It was with a kid from school who was fumbling and nervous. It was bad all around. But isn’t everyone’s first time bad? Aren’t we all just a mess trying to figure this shit out?

“Listen,” I tell her, “First times are weird. It’s a mess of figuring out how everything works and what feels good, but once you get past that, sex can be incredible.” I take a deep breath, it’s weird describing this to my little sister. It feels dirty and wrong, even though I’ve since gotten past the idea that sex is anything other than pleasure. “It’s like…” I trail off, trying to come up with the best way to describe the feeling.

I look around, the main strip of road we’re on is mostly empty. We’re sitting at the red light waiting on the change of color to move forward. A push of a button brings my sunroof down, letting the cool night air filter through the car. Another push brings down our windows.

“Hold on,” I tell her with a smile. When the light turns green, I hit the gas pedal, letting my Beetle lurch forward and pick up speed. I keep my foot on the gas until we’re flying.

Auden grabs on the handle bar at the

passenger door like she’s holding on for dear life. “Mikaela!” she shouts.

“This is it!” I yell back, “It’s fast, and crazy, and fucking freeing.” The next light in front of us turns red and I press the brake slowing us down until we stop in front of the light with a quick jerk.

Auden’s screams turn to laughter and soon we’re both howling until we’re in tears.

She looks at me with a wide smile and watery eyes. “You’re insane,” she laughs.

I push the memories of Auden from my mind.

She’s haunting me.

Tags: Natalia Lourose Dark