"Fuck you, Xavier."

He left the stall in a huff. I hated that a small part of me wondered if I'd actually hurt his feelings. The ranch hands had always laughed at him when he'd been a kid because he’d been so utterly useless around horses. His father, who hadn't been much of a horseman himself but had gotten in the business in a pathetic attempt to look good to the people of Eden, had at least been able to handle the large animals. Brooks, not so much.

He returned within fifteen seconds, probably less. I was still crouched in front of the baby when Brooks said in a much softer voice this time, "I need your insurance information."

I wasn't the kind of guy who was easily rattled by things, but that statement most certainly got my attention. I turned to look at him. "What?"

"With the way you came flying up that hill on your horse, it was no wonder those cows were running like the devil himself was on their heels," Brooks said. "I'm not letting my insurance company pay for your recklessness. And my uncle sure as hell isn't going to pay for the damage to my rental car."

I was both irritated and amused. Irritation eventually won out and I rose to my feet. I was glad when Brooks wavered on his feet just a little. I took a step toward him and managed to cover my smile when he stiffened his back and clearly forced himself to stay where he was.

"You want to run that by me again?" I asked.

Brooks’s skin turned just a little pinker than it had been. The little show of nerves did delicious things to my insides. What would it be like to demand things from him in bed? Would he try to deny me, like he was now? Or would he give in right away, without hesitation, without question? Would he trust me to bring us both pleasure or would he fight me on it just a little? I wasn't sure which one I preferred. Probably a little bit of both. I reminded myself that even if by some wild stretch of the imagination Brooks was gay, which was a possibility considering how he’d seemed to be crushing on me when we were kids, it wasn't like I could do anything about it. Not only did I hate the guy, he was also my employer’s beloved nephew. Not to mention I wasn't exactly out when it came to people at the ranch.

Or anyone.

After getting out of prison, I’d fucked around with a couple of guys, but that had always been when I’d had a weekend off to travel to one of the surrounding bigger cities where I could meet some nameless Grindr hookup or someone in a gay bar that was looking for the same thing as me. There'd been a couple of guys in prison who hadn't minded taking advantage of the close quarters on occasion, but those fucks had always been rough and quick and then forgotten. With a gorgeous guy like Brooks, I’d want to savor the challenge of it all. Of making someone who was wound as tight as he was come completely undone over and over and over again.

I figured that even though I couldn't literally fuck around with him, I could definitely have some fun playing with his head.

Like he'd played with mine.

I'd been foolish enough to think that as kids we’d become friends of sorts. But Brooks's betrayal had cut deep… more deeply than I was even willing to admit to myself. Payback wasn't going to be difficult.

I stepped into Brooks's space until he had no choice but to move back or end up with our mouths practically touching. That was exactly what he did as I kept moving forward, and within a few steps his back was against the wall again. I'd enjoyed having him pressed face-first against it, but this was even better because I could watch his eyes as they danced with a range of emotions.

"I'll file a police report if I have to," Brooks said after a moment’s hesitation.

It was most definitely the wrong thing to say to me. Any humor or amusement fled as I pressed into him. All thoughts of sex were gone too.

"You’re going to?" I asked. "Or you'll have Daddy do it?"

Brooks stiffened. I thought for sure he'd bend, but to my surprise, instead of ducking or even looking away, he held my gaze and said,"I'm not like you, Xavier. I have a problem with someone else, I'll take it up with them. I won't take the coward's way out."

I felt the anger boiling beneath my skin, but just as I was about to grab him again, my eyes shifted to the bruises on his neck. In prison, I'd only ever defended myself. I'd never hurt someone who hadn't deserved it. But things outside of prison had been very different. I hadn't even known myself that I wasn't the same person I’d been going in until the night I'd almost hurt someone who’d become very important to me. And it was that person that I kept in mind now as I dropped my hands to my sides and stepped back.

Tags: Sloane Kennedy Love in Eden M-M Romance