Page 2 of Every Other Memory

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“Maybe.” She shrugs. “I wish I had the answer. I know he’s struggling with football being over, and he’s not going on to the pros like a few of his friends on the team. That was never his plan, but it’s a huge part of his life that he’s going to miss.”

“Yeah, I get that. However, what about the last four years? He’s always put you second. That’s still going on now. There always seems to be something or some kind of excuse.”

“I know. Now that we’re graduated, I don’t know where we’re going.”

Reaching over the table, I place my hand over hers. “You two will figure it out. Just don’t hold out too long. I want to see you happy. Sometimes letting go is what it takes to make that happen.”

“Yeah,” she agrees when a shadow falls over our table.

Glancing up, Matt is standing there, hands shoved in his pockets, and a look more serious than I’ve ever seen from him on his face. “Hi.” His eyes are locked on Shelby. From the look of surprise on her face, she had no idea that he was going to be here.

“Hi.” The DJ slows things down a bit, and when he reaches his hand out to her, I know what he’s asking. From the way her eyes soften, she does too. Matt never dances with her. Never. She loves it, and it’s not something he ever takes part in.

“Will you dance with me?” he asks, his voice so soft I can barely hear him.

I watch as tears well in my best friend’s eyes and nods her agreement. She takes his hand and stands before turning to me. “Cad—” she starts, but I smile and shake my head.

“Go. I’ll be fine right here. This might be your moment,” I tell her. The smile she gives me lights up her face before she turns and allows the love of her life to lead her out on the dance floor. Regardless of how distant he’s always been, she loves him. Deep down I know he loves her too. I wish more than anything that they could get it figured out and be happy.

Not wanting to look like the loser sitting at a table all alone, I pull out my phone and begin to scroll through my emails. Shelby and I are moving to a new apartment, a bigger, better apartment, and we’re waiting for our move-in date. After scrolling as long as I can, I head back to the bar for a drink, this time of the alcoholic variety. I am celebrating after all.

Moving up to the bar, I raise my hand half a dozen times and still get ignored by the bartender. Shelby never has that problem.

“Allow me,” a deep husky voice says from behind me. Turning to look over my shoulder, I see a man with the most gorgeous hazel eyes I’ve ever seen. “What are you drinking?”

“Beer is fine, anything,” I tell him.

He nods before leaning in and placing one hand on the small of my back while raising the other to get the bartender's attention. His touch is like a jolt of electricity to my system, and even though my back is the only place he’s touching me, I feel him everywhere.

“Two beers,” he says, placing our order. “So, you come here often?” he asks with a smile as he slides onto the now vacant stool beside me.

“Does that line work for you?” I ask, not even trying to hide my smile.

“I’m not sure. This is my first time. How am I doing?”

“Meh.” I tilt the bottle of beer to my lips, trying not to smile.

“Okay. All right.” He chuckles. “I admit I need to step up my game. It would help if I spent less time working and more time doing… this.” His eyes roam around the bar.

“You’re not the only one,” I confess. “This is the first time I’ve been out in, well… I don’t really know how long. Too long, let’s just leave it at that.”

“Special occasion?”

“Kind of. I passed my state boards, so I am officially a licensed occupational therapist.” It’s the first time I’ve said those words aloud to anyone other than Shelby. I can’t believe college is over, and I did it. I graduated, and I made something of myself. For me, life is just beginning, and for the first time in a very long time, I’m excited for what’s to come next.

“That’s incredible.” He leans in and gives me a hug. His scent’s something woodsy, mixed with the alcohol on his breath. It’s intoxicating. “Congrats.”

The hug surprises me, but I find myself accepting his arms wrapped around me and hugging him back. “Thank you. It was a long four years, but I’m done and ready to start my new career.”

“So what’s next?” he asks.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance