Page 10 of Every Other Memory

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“Phew.” Shelby fans herself. “That man of hers is intense, and finnneee.” She drags out the word.

“That he is,” I agree. “Thea’s going to have her hands full with Clint and this little one, but she assures me she can handle it, and I trust her.”

“I do too. She’s good people. They both are.”

“I agree. However, Clint will be four months by the time I go back to work, and Hazel six weeks, so she’s definitely going to be exhausted at the end of the day.”

“You sure you don’t want to take more time?”

“I do, but I don’t have the time to take. I’d barely started when I told them I was pregnant. I’m lucky they didn’t fire me. My only saving grace is that they do offer up to six weeks paid leave, so I’m not going without money.”

“That’s going to be a hard day.”

“Yeah,” I agree, my heart already breaking just a little at the thought of leaving my little girl when I go back to work.

“Knock, knock,” the nurse says. “Time to see if we can get this little one to eat.”

“I’m going to take a walk. I’ll be back.” Shelby stands and leans in for a hug, placing a kiss on Hazel’s head. “Love you,” she says softly before standing and leaving the room.

With the help of the nurse, Hazel latches on right away, and as I watch her, I can’t help but wonder if there is another way I can find him. Maybe I could hire a private investigator. Not that I have the money to do that. Sure, I make a good living, but I’m doing it all on my own, and babies are expensive. Maybe I’ll start saving, and when I have enough, I’ll try to find him. I owe that to both of them.

I want my daughter, our daughter, to have more than just my memories of her father. I just hope if I do find him, that my gut is right, and he accepts her in his life. I know what it’s like not to have loving parents, and I don’t want that for my little girl.

Chapter 4


Three months later

It’s been over a year since I’ve been home to see my parents and my sister. Twelve long months since I’ve stepped foot in this town. When I accepted the job as plant manager for the Lexington branch of Riggins Enterprises, I knew it would take me away from my family, but the pay and the opportunity were too good to pass up. When I visited a year ago, I was missing home and was ready to ask for a transfer or give it all up. After I woke up in the hotel room alone, I couldn’t leave this town and the ghost of her memory fast enough.

That night still haunts me. Every other memory is her, my dream girl, who seems more and more like a figment of my imagination as time passes by. The memory of that night hasn’t faded over the last year, which is what has kept me away. However, I can’t hide forever, as my sister, so eloquently reminded me when she handed me my ass for not coming to visit my nephew. He was born around Christmas, and the family came to my place in Lexington. That was five months ago, and I’ve been summoned. I miss my family, so it’s time to face my memories and stop being a coward.

The reality is, she was a woman I knew for a matter of hours. I shouldn’t be letting her keep me from the people I love.

“You all packed?” Mom asks, standing in the doorway of my childhood bedroom.

“Yeah. You know your daughter, she insisted I stay with them for a couple of days.”

“She’s always been strong-willed that one,” Mom says wistfully.

“That she has. I’m heading home when I leave her place.”

“Well, try not to make it so long between visits. It’s a three-hour drive from Lexington to Indianapolis.” She gives me a pointed look.

“I know. I’m sorry. I let myself get lost in work. I’ll do better. I promise.”

“Good. Now you better get moving. Your sister is going to be calling and tracking you down, and it’s about an hour to get to her place from here.”

“I have a feeling you and Dad have been taking that drive a lot the past five months.”

“Not as much as I’d like. We’re actually considering moving closer.”

“Really?” I ask, surprised.

“Yes. We want to be closer to our grandson. You know it would be nice if you moved home and gave us more grandkids.”

“Mom,” I sigh. “I’m not sure that’s in the cards for me.” A year ago, I would have shut her down, but one night—no, not just one night, the hottest night of my life with my dream girl—has me wishing for things I know I’ll never have. Not without her. How she managed to ruin me in the small span of a few hours is beyond me, but she succeeded.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance