When the chimes on the front door jingled, she whirled around to face the diner. Caleb stepped out. He didn’t look like he’d been in a fight. Was Joe dead?

So many crazy thoughts swirled in her head, but one thing for certain, she wasn’t afraid of Caleb. Maybe she should be. She took several tentative steps closer, hoping she wasn’t making a mistake sticking around.

“Where’s Joe?” she called out.

He faced her but stopped dead. “You’re worried about him?”

Was that jealousy in his tone?

“Well, you look pretty good. I don’t see him around.”

Caleb shrugged. “Your boss is fine.” He began to move toward her. “But I’d be careful around him.”

“Why?” She hugged herself from the evening chill. Bethany wanted answers. Being new to town, everything was still a guessing game. She didn’t want to move again. For once, she wanted to put down roots and really belong.

“He’s not everything he seems to be.”

She knew very little about her boss but often got a creepy vibe from him. Her instincts had probably been right all along, but there was a huge difference between being an asshole boss and being dangerous. She needed to know what she was dealing with.

When she’d been called into his office earlier, she’d been terrified. She wasn’t sure what to expect but was certain it would end up with her running from the building. The last thing she needed was to be forced to quit her job because he put her in an uncomfortable position—or worse. Instead, the guy had offered her a raise. She’d been dumbfounded. And suspicious. Bethany wasn’t exactly employee of the month.

“What made you come here?” she asked.

He stepped even closer, almost in her personal space. “I wanted to protect you. I don’t trust that man.”

When he was closer, she realized just how big the guy was. He towered over her with strong shoulders and biceps that strained the plaid jacket he wore. His voice was deep and gruff, the sound soothing and arousing simultaneously.

“Protect me from what?” she whispered. His presence had a profound effect on her. She wanted him to protect her from everything—Joe, the world, her own insecurities.

“You were afraid. Not like earlier when you tripped. Afraid.”

She narrowed her eyes. “How could you know that? Did my friends say something?”

He bit his lower lip, looking down at her. Bethany’s body thrummed to life, distracting her from logical thought. “Yeah. Your friends were worried.”

“What did they say?”

“It’s not important.” He reached out to touch her hair, but she flinched away. “Don’t be skittish. I won’t hurt you, Bethany.”

He spoke her name slowly, deliciously. “I don’t know you.”

Although she could envision numerous X-rated scenarios with Caleb, she was completely inexperienced when it came to men and didn’t know where to start. One of her lifelong fears was being dumped and rejected, so guys looking for a one-night stand were not her type. No matter how irresistible. She wouldn’t be able to handle the emotional aftermath.

Caleb raised an eyebrow. “I saved your life. Or don’t you remember?”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Right. How could I forget.”

The entire world faded away, leaving just the two of them, the lone light from the diner and a connection she hoped wasn’t one-sided. He looked into her eyes like she was something special, and she started to believe it. It was a high she’d never experienced. Maybe the whole love-at-first-sight thing wasn’t so farfetched because, right now, she felt like fate had brought them together.

“Let me buy you jewels.”

Bethany snorted then stopped herself when he didn’t laugh along. His shoulders were squared, his jaw strong. The man was serious.

“Is that how men around here flirt?” Maybe it was. This town was so far off the grid, it was nothing like she’d ever experienced.

“Sorry, I meant, let me date you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I had you in my arms.”

She wouldn’t waste a chance to date a man like Caleb. He was raw, untapped masculinity. He probably had no clue how beautiful he was. She hated the conceited pretty boys in the city.

“A date?”

“Well, a second date. I considered the coffee you bought me to be the first one.” Now he smirked, a barely-there smirk, but it made her pussy clench. Something devilish swirled in those gray eyes, and she hoped she was making the right decision.

“I can see that.” She bit her bottom lip, impossibly attracted to this man.

“Tell me what you want, and I’ll do it,” he said. “I’m new to dating.”

“You’re new to dating?”

“Why is that surprising?”

She shrugged. “Never mind.”

“No, really, please tell me,” he said.

Bethany would probably embarrass herself at some point if they went on a date. Better for him to see what he was getting into before they made plans. “Well, you’re like a nine and I’m more like a three.”

Tags: Sam Crescent, Stacey Espino Mated for Life Erotic