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“I’m not much for ceremony…” He paused when I raised my eyebrows at his words, but then continued, “But seeing as how we have this lovely meal—thank you Laura—and seeing as we have some of Stella’s friends over, we may as well indulge in a little tradition.” He sat and motioned for us to dig in.

Alex wasted no time grabbing some rolls and scooping mashed potatoes. Laura helped everyone fill their plate.

“Laura, please sit,” Sin said. “Where’s Farns?”

“Here, sir. Sorry for my tardiness. My knees, you know.” Farns walked in slowly and took his seat. Laura fixed his plate and then sat next to him. Only one place remained empty.

“Renee?” I asked.

Sin cut his eyes to the ceiling and then back to me. “She may come in later.”

I stared at the empty place setting for a moment before the clatter of silverware and the rhythm of small talk filled the room. I didn’t know why Renee had stayed away, though it obviously had to do with Rebecca. I decided it was long past time for me to find out.

I spent the afternoon with Dmitri, Alex, and Juliet, just talking and laughing. It was as if we’d known each other for years, not just the small space of months. Dmitri and Alex competed on their storytelling abilities.

Dmitri kicked it off by explaining how he became the most skilled rabbit skinner in his town when he was five years old. Then he shared how he was a well known prize fighter in Russia, replete with lots of muscle flexing for emphasis.

Juliet and I, bundled up on the couch in the library, giggled as Dmitri puffed out his chest with pride, and told yet another tale about how he was the first boy to ever talk the town prostitute into giving him a free ride. When he was twelve.

“Was it the pride down below that got her?” Alex snorted.

“Yes.” Dmitri grinned.

Juliet sank back into the cushion next to me and I wrapped my arm around her. “No shame in your game,” I whispered in her ear.

She nodded and snuggled into me. Alex started into a story about the time he went skiing, ran into a tree, and wound up in an infirmary with a ski patrol dick in each hand. We laughed until the sun fell, though the clouds made it impossible to tell whether the gloom was true night.

On Juliet’s turn, she shared her most embarrassing moment—the time she went to a red carpet event with her skirt tucked into her panties. When I was laughing so hard my ribs hurt, Sin walked in.

His stern face softened as he watched me. “I hate to do this, but our guests have to be on their way. The snow is supposed to start in an hour, and they need to be on a plane by then.”

I knew they’d have to leave today—they had other family and friends to visit over the holidays—but I was beyond grateful that I got to see them, even if for such a short time. I forced myself not to cry as I hugged them goodbye and reluctantly let them go. Luke was already waiting outside with their things packed in the limo.

After saying our farewells on the front porch, Dimitri’s face darkened as he approached Sin. Sin met his eyes, not even the slightest hint of fear in his demeanor. I supposed there wouldn’t be, not after what he’d done in Cuba. Sin was capable of horrible acts if something important to him was threatened. The thought sent a shiver through me as sure as the chill wind that promised snow.

“If you hurt her, comrade, I come back here for you.”

“You do that.” Sin gave him a shit-eating grin.

Dmitri glowered, but backed away before squeezing me into a bear hug one last time and stomping down the stairs to the car. He ducked inside and closed the door. I fought back more tears as the car pulled away. Sin walked over and placed his arm around my shoulders as the first flakes of snow fell, the weather arriving earlier than expected.

“Thank you.” I leaned into him.

“You’re welcome.” He kissed the top of my head and led me back inside.

Chapter Twenty


The fun daydream over, I stared up into Sinclair’s eyes as he pushed my hair behind my ear. He leaned down to my lips and hovered just out of reach.


He closed his eyes, as if just hearing me say his name was pleasurable.

“I want you to tell me about the last two trials.”

His eyes opened and he straightened, the link between us broken with a string of simple words.

“We have time enough to worry about that, Stella.” His voice was cold.

“Please, just tell me.”

He rested his palm against my throat. “What did I tell you at the ball, Stella? Anticipation just makes it worse. You have three months before the trial. Don’t spend them worrying.”

Tags: Celia Aaron Acquisition Erotic