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“What about you? How’s it going over there?”

I sigh. “Well, I survived Rush Week, so that’s always something to celebrate. Classes are already kicking my ass, but with it being my last semester, that’s to be expected, I guess.” I frown. “It’s weird. Since I already got into Johns Hopkins, I feel… less motivated.”

“Hey, maybe for the first time in your life, you just skate by for a semester. Take it easy.”

I laugh. “Yeah, right. Do you know me?”

“I do,” he says with a smile. “You’ll be busting your ass for straight A’s like always.”

Adam kicks back in his bed — an unfamiliar bed so different from the one we set up for him in Boston. He gave me a tour of his little room in the Alpha Sigma house in Boulder when we first got on the call, and it made my stomach hurt that he was having new experiences at a new university without me.

It also makes me long to be there in bed with him, to be held by him, touched… kissed…

I shift against the little tingle that thought sends between my legs.

“Are you happy with the pledges you picked up?” Adam asks.

“Yeah,” I say genuinely, smiling at the memory of that crazy week. “It’s always a blur, but I tried to really take it all in this time. My last time. And… there’s this girl I really like, I really feel a connection to.” I bite my lip. “I think I might try to take her as my Little.”

“Really? Who is she?”

“Her name is Tera. She’s…” I laugh to myself. “Unique. Different in the best ways. She’s got this amazing style, and all these fun hobbies and interests that are completely new to me. She does cosplay.”

“Whoa,” Adam remarks, brows shooting up. “What kind?”

“I don’t really understand it all, but she said like anime characters. She showed me a picture and holy hell, it was hot.”

“Who was she dressed as?”

I arch a brow at his earnest interest. “I can’t remember… Asuka or something?”

“Asuka Langley Soryu?”

My jaw drops. “Yes. How the hell do you know that?”

Adam grimaces, grabbing the back of his neck. “I may or may not watch anime sometimes…”

“You never told me that!”

He laughs. “It’s not exactly something to brag about, especially in a fraternity.”

I shake my head, sitting back on the bed and folding my arms over my stomach. “Adam Brooks. I learn something new about you every day.”

But Adam doesn’t respond. In fact, he doesn’t move at all. His eyes are glued on the screen, and after a moment, he lets out a long groan.

“Your tits look amazing right now.”

I bark out a laugh, looking down at the simple tank top I’m wearing and the way my cleavage is on display with my arms crossed under the wire of my bra.

“You’re such a perv.”

“Can you blame me? It’s been so long.”

“Too long,” I agree. “Seeing you in bed makes me wish I was there with you more than usual.”

“Seeing your legs in those little sleep shorts makes me hard as a rock.”

I flush, tucking my hair behind one ear as my eyes fall to my lap. “Adam…”

“When does Lindsey come back?”

I look at the door of our room, as if I expect him saying her name to have conjured my roommate. “I don’t know. She’s at the Omega Chi Beta house.”

“Maybe we should take advantage of the alone time…”

I blush even harder, but just hearing him say the words has me clenching my thighs together. “I… I don’t really know what to do.”

Adam grins, a devilish smirk that tells me he knows exactly what to do.

“Lie back into your pillows,” he says. “Let me see you.”

I swallow, heat rushing from my neck to my toes as I do as he says. I use my hands to scoot back more toward the headboard, and then I lean back, posing like I’m on display for him and him only.

Adam bites his lip. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, and then he repositions his own camera, and I can see his hard-on straining against his boxer briefs.

“Adam…” I breathe at the sight.

“I told you you make me hard,” he says, and he runs his hands over the thick outline, moaning as he flexes into the touch. “Does this make you wet?”

My mouth parts. “Yes.”

“Show me.”

I roll my lips together, not sure if my face is hot from embarrassment, or from how insanely turned on I am.

“Come on, baby,” Adam purrs. “Open your legs for me.”

My heart pounds harder at the request, and I tuck my knees up to my chest before slowly letting them fall open, my feet spreading to opposite sides of the bed.

“Now pull your shorts to the side.”

Adam strips off his shirt, and then lays back in bed, waiting for me to do what I was told.

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance