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Cora slapped a hand to her chest and let out a long, “Aww,” and I flipped her the bird.


Anika paused a moment, and I knew she wasn’t sure whether my offer was sincere.

I put my arms out, gesturing at my enormous home. “This is a big house for one person. It’s big enough for ten people.” I then pursed my lips and conceded, “Hell, it’s big enough for a small cult.”

Anika remained quiet, but I could see she was considering it. I could almost see her brain doing the calculations. Finally, she said softly, “I’ll think about it. Thanks, Nas.”

I hadn’t offered out of pity. I wasn’t lying. I really would’ve loved to have her.

Satisfied, I replied, “You’re welcome.”

At that moment, Mina came out of the kitchen with a tray of prefilled shot glasses, sliced lime, and salt, then singsonged, “Let’s do this.” She handed us each a shot with a wedge of lime. We all took turns licking our hands and applying the salt. “And no better way to get a party started than to dirty up some nice girls with tequila slammers.”

What I said was, “Hell yeah,” but the second I smelled the tequila, my mouth watered, and not in a good way.

Like most idiot teenagers, I once got blind drunk on it, and now tequila tasted like the time I almost perished in a field with a bunch of jocks laughing at me.

However, my father did not raise no weak-ass bitch. No. When they took a shot, I took a shot. It felt like battery acid simmering in my stomach, but my smile remained unwavering. And seeing Anika giggle behind her hand made it worth it.

I went upstairs and drew a nice, hot bath for her in the en suite attached to my room. The vanilla-lavender-scented bubbles smelled divine and sweet. I put towels within reach, lowered the lights, and turned on the jets.

When I spotted Anika hesitating in the open doorway, I said, “Take your time, okay? We’re in no rush.”

Her slight nod was enough. I left her to it. But just as I went to exit the bathroom, she called out to me. I turned, and what Anika said broke my heart. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Nas.” She looked devastated, as if she already lost me. Her voice shook. “You’re my best friend.”

I stepped back into the room and took both her hands in mine, dipping slightly to look her dead in the eyes. “Forever and always, babe.”

Anika shook her head—and was she hyperventilating? “Maybe.”

Huh? Was she crazy?

“Ani,” I started. “You’d have to do something pretty freaking bad to lose me as a friend.”

“I know” was her hushed reply, eyes bright with unshed tears.

Wow. She really was a mess.

“Exactly,” I offered reassuringly with a squeeze to her fingers. I held such confidence in her that I added, “Never gonna happen.” Releasing her hands, I pointed at her ominously and ordered, “Do not get out of there until you’re nicely wrinkled. You hear me?”

Ani’s lip tugged up into a strained smile. “Yes, ma’am.”

I joined Mina and Cora, who were in the process of getting ready. Mina slid her yoga pants down before pulling on dark jeans. “Nas, what happened? Is she okay?”

The quiet, curious questions were ones I didn’t have an answer to. I pulled my tee up and over my head as I raided my walk-in closet for something to wear. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Cora, in her panties and bra, slipped into a pretty black-and-white mini-dress. It showed a lot of skin, coming midthigh. “Poor thing. She looks shaken up.”

She did. I’d never seen her act like this before, as though she was scared of her own shadow.

I was not an optimist. I tried to be—I really did—but more than anything, I was a realist. I’d learned that when something smelled like shit, there was shit nearby. So, when I entered the bathroom without warning, uttering, “Sorry, babe. I just need to grab my—” my heart stopped with my words.

The sight of Anika’s back had my feet glued to the spot.

Unable to speak, my eyes took it all in. Mottled bruises lined her spine and shoulders. The marks on her upper arms had faded to a greenish-yellow color, telling me they had been there a while.

“What the fuck?” was all I managed to get out.

Anika’s face dipped, and she exhaled quietly, “It’s nothing.”

Come again? I beg your pardon?

The sounds of Cora and Mina talking told me they hadn’t heard my exclamation.

My legs began to work again, and then I was moving. With an air of determination, she sat up straight in the bath and spoke. “Really. It’s nothing.” I couldn’t help but notice the way she was avoiding my disturbed gaze. “I, uh, started dancing again.”

“What?” I frowned skeptically.

Tags: Belle Aurora Shot Callers Erotic