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I decided to turn and walk the opposite direction, when I noticed a group of men exit a building. They were laughing and looked happily drunk. Drunk was good. People did odd things when they were drinking.

My stomach rumbled loudly and my decision was made. I would find the tipsiest man in the club and seduce him. When he passed out, I’d take his wallet and be on my merry way. I could make a small amount of money go a long way if I had to.

I needed to eat. I felt ashamed that I would resort to low lengths to do that, but I was sick of being me. Mina was friendly, and honest, and kind. Being me got me nowhere. I was floating down shit creek without a paddle.

The white sign above the door read Bleeding Hearts in simple, elegant font. Steadying myself, I pushed open one side of the huge double doors and stepped inside.

A tall, bulked-up man with a crew cut and an impeccable suit looked down at me. He was not amused. “You lost?”

I shook my head before swallowing hard and muttering, “Just looking for somewhere to drink.”

That changed his attitude quick enough. He opened the second set of doors and loud RnB blasted into the foyer. “We don’t get a lot of ladies down here. The bar is to the right. Have a good night.”

I had been called a lot of things in my life, but never a lady. I suddenly felt regretful of my reason for being here. Regardless, I walked inside and felt immediate warmth. A shiver of delight caused my skin to break out in gooseflesh.


I could’ve crowed with happiness, but I had more important things to think about. Before I made my way to the bar, I was drawn to the left.

Two women with gorgeous bodies swung around provocatively on poles, dressed in nothing but little scraps of material covering their privates. The blonde woman had glitter pasties stuck to her nipples. The redhead’s nipples were pierced.

Ah. I got it then.

“We don’t get a lot of ladies down here.”

My cheeks turned bright pink as men hollered up at the dancing girls. My gut rolled. The bouncer must have thought I was a complete pervert.

I pulled my hair over my face to hide my flaming cheeks and found an empty bar stool in the corner of the room, hidden from light. It was the perfect place to search for the man who would help feed me.

My eyes scanned the room through the dim lighting of the club. There were too many of them. I’d have to get closer.

I stayed by my stool a while before I made my move. My heart raced as anxiety took over me. I took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. My back ramrod straight, I would find my savior right here, in this very room.

I just didn’t know what he looked like yet.



I was drawn to her immediately. Intrigue held me captive.

My brow furrowed as I watched her. What was she doing in a place like this? It was clear she didn’t belong here.

By the look of her, she didn’t belong quite anywhere. She was so small her black coat was at least three sizes too big, and the way she covered her face with her long dark hair was so childlike that my chest hurt.

That was new. It surprised me. I wasn’t sure whether that was good or bad, but it made me take a step toward her.

I managed to spot one doe-like eye peeping through her hair as she stared openly at the girls on stage. Obviously, she hadn’t come to see dancing girls. From the shock on her face, she didn’t know Bleeding Hearts was a strip joint.

Reaching up, she moved to cover her face with her hair once more before she lowered her head and scurried along to the dark side of the bar. It pleased me that she chose that spot. It was the spot I normally sat. Warmth spread through my torso.

The club was almost at capacity. As news of Paolo’s death carried, Sasha spread the word that he would be opening the club to friends and family. No cover charge. Drinks were on the house.

This, of course, meant that my keen eyesight would have to be keener tonight. Sasha didn’t like trouble. I kept trouble from arising.

The girls behind the bar served customers, smiles pasted onto their faces, even though they would be worked to the bone. The tips would be worth the straying hands and ogling eyes.

Sasha came out from behind the door. His eyes met mine almost instantly and he jerked his chin at me in greeting. I returned it.

When I was younger, Sasha taught me it was rude to ignore a greeting. I was never any good at taking cues from other people. Conversation was painful. I didn’t like to speak unless spoken to, and even then, I would rarely talk unless a question was asked.

Tags: Belle Aurora Shot Callers Erotic