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He turned around as the stage lights came up and began to strum the opening notes of a familiar song. A deep, ultra-sexy voice belted out the lyrics, and it was a moment before I processed the crooner standing about five feet in front of me. I felt Emily pull on my arm, but all I could focus on were those bedroom eyes and that voice. Blake.

He had now reached the chorus, and the crowd joined in a sing-along, hoisting their drinks in the air. He smiled and sauntered across the stage, winking at his front-row fan club along the way.

“Did you know he could play like this?” Emily yelled over the noise.

I shook my head and followed him as he made his way back to the center, closing in on the song’s finale. I hadn’t imagined this drop-dead gorgeous man could be one bit hotter. Not for the first time this summer, he proved me wrong again. My pulse raced when I saw him search the crowd, glance past the shrieking girls, and lock eyes with me.

“Thank you,” he said over the applause and wolf whistles. “Thank you for coming out tonight.”

The cheers erupted.

He adjusted his guitar and continued. “It’s great to be around so many old friends at the Dock House. I hope you won’t mind if I test out some new material.”

The crowd roared again. I looked around at the happy audience smiling and shouting for more from the man who had rocked my world more than once.

“I’d like to dedicate this one to a special summer friend,” he muttered into the mic.

I stood behind the row of screaming girls, trying to absorb everything that was happening. As soon as Blake’s words launched into the bar, everything else around me faded to black. The only two people in the room were Blake and me.

Baby, they say summer love comes and goes

Comes and goes

Like birds flying south

Tourists leaving town

We’ve been dancing nights so close under the sky

I see it when I look in your eyes

I’m not sure I can let go of this swing we’ve found

Can we chase it and never come down?

But it doesn’t matter what I’m sayin’

I’m goin’ to love you while the sun is hot and the waves are warm

So dance with me, baby, like tomorrow is September

We’ll always have the summer to remember

Baby, they say summer love comes and goes

Comes and goes

Like birds flying south

Tourists leaving town

Before you go, give me one more night on the beach

So I can hold you in my arms and kiss you deep

They say summer love comes and goes

Comes and goes

Tags: Violet Paige Don't Romance