Page 91 of Turn Over

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Her hands flew to her hips and I laughed when the sheet fell. She tried to catch it a few seconds too late. I didn’t know what she thought she was going to protest, but I appreciated she thought it was worth a try.

“Leave it.” I eyed her.

She stood in the office as I made a row for her awards. When I was finished I pulled her into my arms.

“We are going to rewrite the headline.” I kissed her throat.

“What’s it going to say?” she asked.

“It’s going to say Country Star Marries Star Quarterback.”

Her eyes widened. “Marry?”

I nodded. I’d never wanted her as much as I did now. “You’re already mine. Might as well make it official.”

She nodded. “I am.”

I picked her up, loving how she felt against my chest. “Charlie is going to have a stroke when I tell her to figure this one out.” I chuckled.

Her hands flattened on my bicep, stroking my muscles. “Any chance she might want to take on a new client?”

I stepped over the threshold of my bedroom. “Interesting idea.” I looked at Alexa. “If she could repair my reputation, imagine what she could do for such a bad good girl.” I winked.

“I’m serious, Luke. Do you think I could hire Charlie?”

I lowered her to the bed. “I’m serious too. But let’s wait to call her. Ok?”

She folded me into her arms. “Ok. I can be bad a little while longer.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.”



I heard my alarm. I rolled over to turn it off, careful not to wake Alexa. She wasn’t getting much sleep lately.

She faced me, her eyes fluttered open. “Good morning.”

“Sorry. I was trying to sneak out and not wake you.”

“It’s ok.” She tugged on my hand, drawing it to her belly. “I’m not the only one awake.” She grinned, biting her bottom lip.

My palm felt the tiny twinge hit her skin. “He’s up early.”

“He doesn’t want to miss out.”

My hand traced the gorgeous swell of her belly. Alexa was beautiful, but with my baby inside her she’d never looked more radiant. Her hair was thick and shiny. Her skin glowed. And her sexual appetite had ramped up to a whole new fucking nirvana. I couldn’t get enough of her.

She moaned when my hand dipped below her belly.

“I have a few minutes before I have to get in the shower,” I whispered.

She nodded. “Charlie isn’t going to like it if you’re late to the camp.”

I pushed my fingers between her legs. “A bunch of kids can wait for me to get to camp. I need to make sure my wife has what she needs before I go.”

“Oh God.” She fisted the pillows.

Tags: Violet Paige Romance