Page 154 of Turn Over

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“Because of the credit card? What about the stunt you pulled? I called. I texted. I had the damn bellhops looking for you. Do you know what it felt like when I thought you were missing?”

“Missing? Why would I be missing?”

I threw my hands in the air. “I don’t know. Maybe because you had just told me a horrific story about how your sister is on the run.”

“You thought I ran?”

“No. I don’t know what I thought. I only knew I couldn’t find you. I thought you were lost or someone took you.” I sat on sand. “Saying it out loud sounds damn ridiculous.” I laughed.

She sat next to me. “So you weren’t mad about the schedule? You were trying to find me?”

“I thought I had made that clear. I turned the hotel upside down.”

She stared ahead. The green light passed the red one on the horizon. “I’m sorry I made you worry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.” I hung my head. “But I know now why you did it. You thought what you told me didn’t matter.” I shifted in the sand, twisting my body toward her. I didn’t care that she closed her eyes when I held her face between my hands. “I know what it’s like to carry family secrets. I wouldn’t disregard something like that. I felt honored that you shared it with me.”

Her eyes fluttered open. I wished I could see the hazel flecks under the stars. “But, the way you acted. You were a jackass.”

“Ok, so maybe I was focused on the meetings. They are multi-million dollar contracts. Fifty million if you want to know. I was slightly preoccupied. It didn’t mean that night wasn’t important to me.”


“Yeah, oh.” I leaned toward her. The air suddenly seemed still and calm as if the waves weren’t rolling toward us any longer. Nights on the beach could be cold, but I didn’t feel the chill on my skin. How was I back in this situation again? The same beautiful girl kept landing in my hands. “I’m going to ask you something I have never in my life asked someone.”

“What’s that?” Her voice had lost some of the anger and resentment.

“Can I kiss you?”

“Why would you ask me that? You usually just do it.”

“Because this time is different.” I steadied my breath. It was all I could do not to kiss her now. My heart was racing.

“Different how?” she whispered over the breeze.

“Different because we’ve both already walked away once. Kissing you now changes everything.”


I wondered if she was confused or needed every ounce or reassurance I could give her to convince her I meant what I said. It would have to be different.

“Because I think we’ve established that there might be something between us other than fun,” I explained.

“But you don’t want more than fun. You told me in the car things aren’t supposed to get serious. You don’t want to cross lines or mix business and pleasure. I heard all of it.”

My thumb brushed over her lips. “Did you miss this?”

She nodded, her mouth parting slightly to kiss the pad of my thumb. I felt the urges rise in my chest.

“I did. I tried not to. I swear I don’t how you made me miss you, but you did.” She nuzzled against my neck, and I held my breath. “Mason, I’m scared to do this again.”

I tilted her chin toward me. “We have to rewrite all the rules.”

“I think that’s the problem. You have too many rules. I don’t know what I can and can’t do. First it was no interviews. Then one interview. Then you wanted me to stay over, and then you didn’t, only to end up spending the most incredible night in your bed with a promise it was a one-time deal.” She huffed. “And then on the way to San Antonio we agreed we were only in this for the fun. But I totally hijacked that when I unloaded all my family problems on you. We clearly have no fucking clue what we’re doing.”

I laughed. “You make it sound like we are escaped mental patients.”

“I’m glad you find this funny.”

Tags: Violet Paige Romance