Page 3 of Dirty Summer 3

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“Ok, you’re right. He was absolutely the sweetest,” Maggie said, recalling the climb to the beacon’s top balcony. “I had one of my height freak outs right before we got to the top, and he talked me through it and almost carried me the rest of the way. From the minute we touched, I could feel something between us. It was almost—I don’t really know how to describe it—electric? Or it was like I could reach out and touch whatever it was. I’m babbling.”

“No, go on,” Blair said. “I think I understand. Like a tangible connection that you can reach out and feel.”

“Exactly,” Maggie agreed. “I could feel it in the air. I mean, we were touching the entire time. The kiss was—I can’t even … It was more incredible than I had imagined. I have never, truly, Bl

air, never had a boy kiss me like that. Then there was this moment where it was almost too much. My heart was racing, and I couldn’t breathe. I just needed a moment to get some air and find myself again.”

“Uh-oh,” Blair interjected. “You like him. You really like Reid. Can you do this pact you came up with? I’m not so sure about your ability to stick with the plan.”

“Well, I don’t think there’s anything to entangle anymore,” Maggie responded. “After I pulled away, he just shut down. We went down to find you and Justyn, and there was nothing else. He barely talked to me on the way home.”

“I don’t know, G. Maybe he felt the same thing. Maybe he was overwhelmed too. Guys have a tough time dealing with feelings like that.”

“Well, he seemed fine to me. He was still cracking jokes and teasing me before we left the lighthouse, but he wasn’t touching me or as sweet as he had been before,” Maggie said. “Anyway, enough about me. What happened with you and Justyn? I saw how you stomped upstairs last night. There is no way he was able to resist your little black dress.”

Blair rolled her eyes and took another swig of wine.

“What did he do this time?” She reached for the bottle that she had put in an ice bucket on the end table beside the wicker rocker. Maggie topped off both girls’ glasses. “Don’t tell me I was the only one to get a kiss.”

“Oh, he kissed me,” Blair offered. “And it was actually worth the wait, as much as I hate to admit it. Sounds like both of these boys got the amazing kisser gene. However, he broke it off as soon as it got heated. What the hell is that about? What guy do you know doesn’t want to get to second base?”

Maggie almost spit out her wine as she dissolved into a fit of giggles. “Blair, a baseball analogy? Really?. Didn’t he make all-conference in college?”

Blair’s tough facade started to crumble a bit when her friend pointed out the unintentional joke, and she cracked a smile.

“Funny, you should mention college,” Blair said. “After our all too brief make-out session, we started talking about our futures. You know the basic what-are-your-hopes-and-dreams chat. And you know what he said?”

Maggie raised an eyebrow.

“He just wants to stay on this island,” Blair said. “Like forever. No ambition to ever see the world or do anything else but build boats, fish, and drink beer. Isn’t that ridiculous? No ambition in life whatsoever. I don’t know why he even bothered to go to college.”

“That sounds a little judgmental. Justyn seems smart,” Maggie said, trying to calm her red-faced friend. “They just started a new business. That’s not what I would call ‘no ambition.’ Plus, why are you so worried about where Justyn’s going to be in the next ten years? Who cares if he decides to open a tiki hut on the cape and sell umbrellas to the tourists? All you care about is this summer. As long as he’s interested in you right now, don’t worry about it.”

“You’re right,” Blair said, smiling. “Thanks for the pep talk. I get so frustrated. I can’t remember having to work for a kiss this hard in, well, never.”

“But it sounds like your hard work finally paid off,” Maggie said, lifting herself out of the swing. “Come on. Let’s go get ready. I’m sure the boys will be at Shirley Lane tonight, so we have another opportunity to dazzle them with our stunning good looks.”

“Look who’s getting all full of herself now that she’s locked lips atop the lighthouse,” Blair taunted, following Maggie into the house. “What are you going to wear?”

“Not sure yet. Maybe my mint green dress with the deep V in the front and the back. You?”

“I was thinking about my pale yellow shorts. And that top that ties at the neck,” Blair described.

“Good call,” Maggie said. “Let’s go put together ensembles these island boys won’t be able to forget.”



Reid hung his head and shoved the phone in his pocket. Dammit. Another investor turned them down. This one was supposed to come through. They had all but given him a verbal on the phone last week.

Justyn strolled into the office. “You’ve got that look on your face. What happened?”

Reid shook his head. “It’s not good news. We lost the Potter Woodworks backing.”

“I thought that was a sure thing.” Justyn sat across from him. “We’ll find a new backer. Don’t worry about it.”

“How can I not worry about it? We have bills coming due.” Reid glared at the stack of mail in front of him. He hadn’t even opened the envelopes from the past two days. Justyn had no idea how close they were to losing everything.

Tags: Violet Paige Dirty Summer Erotic