Page 9 of Dirty Summer 2

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“Darlin’, I’m just takin’ in the view.” He smiled. “You aren’t making this easy. I’m just trying to help my cousin out.”

“What does that mean?” The compliment sounded backhanded, as if Reid had commissioned him to babysit her.

He sat and watched a sailboat cruise past them, headed toward the sound.

“Hey, Justyn, you playin’ tonight?” a rowdy voice called from a crowd of boardwalk walkers. They were teetering on the railing, which ran in front of the Dock House.

Blair looked at Justyn quizzically.

“Nah, not tonight.” He raised his cup to them.

The guys started to laugh. Blair wondered what was so funny. She wasn’t fond of inside jokes if she didn’t know the secret.

“Oh yeah, sorry, man. Looks like you’ve got other plans.” They staggered off to the dark side of the pier.

“What were they talking about?” Blair asked.

Reid piped up from the stern. “Our Justyn here is a real celebrity.”

“Cut it out, Reid. Shut up.”

Maggie peppered Justyn with more questions. “Celebrity? Are you a musician or something? Really?”

A smile slid across Justyn’s lips. “I play a little. Sometimes on open mic night.”

“Are you any good?” Blair couldn’t help herself. Justyn was becoming more interesting by the minute. She would let the babysitting innuendo slide.

“Well, now I guess you’d have to tell me that. I just play.”

Reid shuttled past Maggie, grazing her shoulder as he maneuvered around her. Blair suspected the touch was on purpose.

“He’s being modest,” Reid said. “Justyn’s awesome—writes his own music, plays up there—and you should see the girls. They go crazy the nights he sings.”

“Again, shut up.” Justyn cast a stern eye in Reid’s direction.

Blair felt little needles of green envy surfacing at the thought of other girls throwing themselves at Justyn on stage. Not that she was interested, but still, she didn’t want other girls at his feet.

“Oh, Blair and I would love to hear you play one night. Will you tell us the next time you perform?” Maggie spoke for them both before Blair could recover from the momentary jealous pang.

“Uh, sure. I’ll let you know.”

“Good! We need a summer concert—not that this Jimmy Buffet cover band isn’t awesome.” Maggie glanced over her shoulder to watch the crowd bobbing around using their hands to form fins on their heads.

Her friend’s eyes lit up, watching the festive chaos unfold under the stars and low lights of the Dock House. “You want to go up there?” Reid must have noticed Maggie’s eagerness too.

“Yes! I mean, if everyone else wants to.” Maggie eyed Blair.

“Yeah, let’s try it.” Blair stood and looped her arm through Maggie’s. “Want to dance, girl?” She giggled to her friend.



The girls hopped on the deck and followed the notes of Margaritaville as if the Fin Notes were the Pied Piper singing on the Beaufort waterfront.

Justyn shoved his hands in his pockets while he and Reid watched the pair bounce into the dancing crowd, laughing and shaking their bodies with the music. “Man, what are we doing with these girls?”

“I don’t know. Just thought it would be fun to bring them out. We needed a little break from the business.” Reid’s eyes followed Maggie’s every shake and shimmy. “Come on. Let’s have some fun. Don’t you think Blair’s cute?”

Tags: Violet Paige Dirty Summer Erotic