Page 15 of Dirty Summer 2

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“Dallas.” Blair sipped the beer.

“And you think that’s where your happiness is? Huh.”

“I worked hard to get that job. Yes, I’m going to Dallas and I might be starting as the little fish in a big pond, but that market is huge and I’ll keep working my way up. I’m excited about going. I’ve worked

for four years to get a job like that.”

“Well, it sounds like you have it all figured out. Congratulations.” Justyn tipped his beer back and felt the smoothness of the liquid slide down his throat.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you mocking me? Aren’t you the one who just said we don’t all have to do the same thing? At least I’m going to travel and see the world, not just hunker down in some false safety zone.” She stood and marched to the side of the beached vessel.

“Safety zone? What’s your problem? Sorry my life here is so beneath your big college girl dreams.” Justyn felt his pulse rising. Why was he letting her get to him again tonight?

“I’m going to find Maggie. It’s late.”

“I’m not chasing after you again.”

Blair stopped and whipped toward him faster than the wind. “What is that supposed to mean?” Her eyes glared through the humid air.

“You know what it means.” He stepped off the boat. “I’m not chasing you again. You made your point.”

Blair’s hands flew to her hips. “What point?”

In a swift motion, he reached under her tilted chin and held her face between his finger and thumb. Her chest heaved with angry breaths. Before she could swat his hand from her face, he leaned down and planted his warm lips on her mouth.

Justyn felt every tense and angry coil wound in her relax a little more with each possessive touch of his lips. Reaching up on the tips of her toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with total abandon.

“You have to know what you do to me. The stunt with that dress—I know what you’re up to, Carolina girl.”

Blair batted her eyes at him in the moonlight. “I’m not up to anything, except maybe this.” She twisted her fingers through his hair and pulled his mouth to hers.

Justyn groaned. Yep, he was right. She was trouble.

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Tags: Violet Paige Dirty Summer Erotic