Page 2 of Dirty Summer 1

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“Thank you.” The older woman surveyed the living space. “It’s been in my family for over a hundred years. The islanders said my father was crazy when he built it. Said it wouldn’t withstand a hurricane or even a nor’easter, but as you can tell, she’s still doing fine.” She settled on one of the open bar stools and sighed. “You know I grew up in this house, but now it belongs to my son and his wife. They’ve done a lot of remodeling.” She took her time telling the history of the house.

Blair realized it wasn’t the best time to throw in a compliment on the wainscoting or the light fixtures.

“I never thought it would look like this, but it’s his now and he told me to find someone to take care of it. He and Sally are touring Australia this summer. I know you two will take real good care of it.”

Blair thought there might be tears in the woman’s eyes.

“Do they live here year-round?” Blair asked.

The island native shook her head. “Heavens no. They’ve got a place in Raleigh and one in the mountains. This is their third home.”

“Oh.” Blair didn’t know what else to say.

“Come on. I’ll show you around.”

The duo placed their glasses on the counter and followed Mrs. Buttons up the winding staircase.

“Margaret, this will be your room.” Mrs. Buttons pushed open the white paneled door.

Maggie stepped forward. Blair peeked around her friend to get a look at the cherry sleigh bed and the stone fireplace in the corner.

“Nice digs, G.” She smiled.

Maggie giggled.

Mrs. Buttons walked across the room. “I really think you’ll like your closet.” She flung the door open to reveal a huge walk-in space.

“Oh my God. I think this is bigger than any dorm room I had at Carolina.” Maggie looked stunned.

Blair didn’t want to push, but she was ready to see her room. If it were half this beautiful, maybe her summer wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Blair, follow me. Your room is right across the hall. You two share a balcony and a bathroom.”

Blair stopped in the doorway. It was like a Cottage Living magazine spread. Hardwood floors, French doors, and a four-poster bed.

“It’s perfect.” She walked to the end of the bed and looked out the window. The winds on the sound were picking up.

“Oh good. If it hadn’t been for you girls answering my ad, I would have to close the house up for the summer. It’s just too much for me to take care of with my other house. It’s hard enough getting up these stairs.” She smiled and walked toward the hallway. “And it’s not good to shut it down like that. I tried to tell Daniel you can’t close her down, but he hasn’t been here in so long, I think he’s lost the love for the place.” Her eyes were definitely misting over this time. “Daniel and Sally can be sort of dull some times. It will be nice to have some life in the house. It sorely needs it.”

Blair cut a glance to Maggie. They weren’t about to let her know they originally thought her ad was a scam. Really, who placed ads for summer house sitters in student papers anymore? Blair remembered the day Maggie showed it to her during final exam week. It seemed too good to be true.

Mrs. Buttons extended a delicate hand to them. “Here is a key for each of you. The code for the alarm system Daniel installed is in the kitchen drawer. There’s no crime or law on the island, so you can leave the house unlocked during the day unless you travel to the mainland. That alarm was a waste of money in my opinion.” She held up another keychain. “And here’s a key to the shed in the backyard. There are beach supplies and bikes in there if you want to explore. I live only one house past Easterd’s store, so come get me if you need anything.”

“Why don’t you just give us your cell number?” Blair suggested. She wasn’t terribly interested in searching the island for her if there was a maintenance emergency.

“Cell phone? Oh, I don’t need one of those. I’m one house past Easterd’s,” she repeated her location to the girls. “I’ve gotta go now. I have a quilting circle meeting in an hour.”

They watched as she hobbled off the back porch and disappeared around the corner.

Maggie turned toward Blair, a bright smile on her face. “Aren’t you excited? Isn’t it amazing? Come on, you have to be happy we’re here.”

Blair nodded hesitantly. “Ok, I’ll give you the fact that the house is amazing, but I’m still not sold on the island. I’m already having Starbucks withdrawal.”

Maggie rushed out the screen door.

“G, where are you going?”

“To unpack the car. Let’s get this summer started.”

Tags: Violet Paige Dirty Summer Erotic