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Chapter 18

By the time Marissa arrived in the breakfast room the following morning, Valentine, Jasper, and her grandmother were already there and were involved in a spirited conversation. Marissa hadn’t slept well and the last thing she needed was loud voices, but she smiled when Lady Bethany paused to wish her good morning and then, for good measure, complimented Jasper on his return to the breakfast table, before sitting down and pouring herself a much-needed cup of hot tea.

After a sip or two of the restorative, Marissa was feeling strong enough to glance surreptitiously at the far end of the table, where Valentine was ensconced. Even that brief glimpse of his face was enough to make her heart begin to rattle in her chest. Memories of the evening before took hold of her mind, causing all manner of dangerous emotions.

She hadn’t meant to end their lovemaking in such a way, with her storming from the room in tears. They had played such an exciting, erotic game, and when he held her naked in his arms she’d felt the thrill and joy of being with the man she wanted above all others. And she did want him. She could no longer deny it. The feelings she was experiencing for Valentine were deep and real. Which was why she was so upset when he refused to accept the gift of her virginity.

He was acting the gentleman, refusing to ruin her, but Marissa didn’t believe him. She sensed there was far more to his behavior than he was letting on. But if he wouldn’t tell her the truth then what could she do? As she’d lain in bed, tossing and turning, she’d wondered whether Valentine’s response to her could be due to his unhappy marriage. Was he determined not to make the same mistake again?

“Valentine has received a message from his friend in London. The medieval scholar.” Jasper was leaning toward her with a smile. “He has given us a little more information on the list of names.” He turned to his friend. “Tell Miss Rotherhild what he said, Kent.”

Valentine finished his sausage and set down his knife and fork, dabbing at his mouth with his napkin and avoiding her eyes. “We know now where the three remaining families on the list lived, and it just so happens that the Prideauxes are quite close to Abbey Thorne Manor.” He dropped the napkin carelessly beside his plate and reached for the coffeepot. “We could be there and back in two hours, and I was trying to persuade Jasper and Lady B that they are fit for the journey.”

He was speaking to her so offhandedly, refusing to look at her, as if they were distant acquaintances rather than almost-lovers. No, not even distant acquaintances, more like someone he didn’t like very much and was wishing to the far side of the county.

“Really?” Marissa spread marmalade on her toast, concentrating on playing a similar role. “So are you going rose hunting today, Lord Jasper?”

Jasper looked down at his arm, still awkwardly encased in a sling. “I wish I could say yes, but I fear my arm isn’t up to it just yet. I’d only be a burden to the fitter members of the party. I rather think it would be better if I stayed here and awaited the news on your return.”

Lady Bethany bestowed a sympathetic smile upon him. “Then I am determined to remain with you, Jasper, and keep you company. I’m certain Kent and Marissa can manage perfectly well on their own.”

“Of course we can,” Marissa said, sounding far more certain than she felt, but she was dashed if she was going to hide in her room and refuse to go with him. If he could play this game of pretending she meant nothing to him, then she would play it, too. Last night she’d discovered she was good at playing games.

Valentine downed his coffee and rose to his feet. “Then I will meet you at the stables in half an hour, Miss Rotherhild,” he said brusquely, and he strode from the room.

“Good luck, old chap!” Jasper called after him, but Valentine barely acknowledged him.

Marissa, toast in one hand, teacup in the other, felt a wave of depression.

“Whatever is up with Kent?” Jasper said in an undertone to Lady Bethany. “He’s like a frog in a rainstorm, twitching and hopping all over the place.”

Lady Bethany laughed. “I can’t imagine,” she said, her gaze sliding to Marissa. “Do you know what is wrong with him, my dear?”

“No, Grandmamma, I don’t,” she replied. “And I am not at all sure I want to.”

By the time Marissa had changed into her emerald green riding habit and hurried back downstairs the clock was showing she had taken more than her allotted half an hour. She found Valentine outside, marching impatiently up and down in his riding boots, breeches, and jacket.

“Ah, there you are!” he said, his head snapping up. “Come on, let’s go.”

Marissa quickened her steps, trying to catch up to him. “I didn’t realize it was so urgent,” she grumbled, further annoyed by his high-handed behavior.

“Of course it’s urgent, Marissa. Von Hautt is probably already on his way. He’s known every move we’ve made so far. Why should it be any different this time?” He stopped and turned to face her so abruptly that she almost ran into him. “George saw Von Hautt in Magna Midcombe.”

Her eyes grew round.

“He came home last night. Late,” he added, his eyes holding hers, their meaning clear. Late, so he didn’t see us together. “Von Hautt stopped him at Magna Midcombe, threatened him, and said some things George found rather puzzling. He also knew about…well, he knew things he shouldn’t have known. Things he could only know if he had a very good source of information inside Abbey Thorne Manor.”

“So he really does have a spy here?”

“Yes, I rather think he must.”

“Then he’ll know about the letter? And where we are going today?”

“Which brings us back to why we’re in a hurry, Marissa.” His smile was warm, as if last night had never happened, but she still didn’t trust him.

To her surprise she was presented with a mount very unlike the sluggish animal she’d ridden to Montfitchet. Restless, nervous, and well-bred, this creature would test her abilities. Evidently Valentine had come to the conclusion that Marissa was a more capable rider than he’d given her credit for, and she relished the chance to show him his confidence was not misplaced. Before long they were galloping across the bridge that spanned the moat, and thro

ugh the park.

Tags: Sara Bennett The Husband Hunters Club Historical