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And my girl just lies there, curled up in a sweaty little ball, completely oblivious to what is happening around her.

She barely has the strength to answer their questions.

“Where were you tonight?”

“My brother’s wedding reception.”

“Did you consume alcohol?”

“One glass of wine.”

“Are you pregnant? Or is there a chance you could be pregnant?”

“I’m a virgin.”

“How long have you had this pain?”

“A week or so.”

She’s had this pain for a week and didn’t tell anyone about it?

If I weren’t so damn worried about her, I might be tempted to spank her stubborn ass.

“Milo,” she whispers, and I step toward her and grasp her petite hand in mine.

“I’m right here, kid.”

“I’m scared,” she says softly, and I reach out to gently brush my fingers through her hair.

“I promise it’s going to be okay. You’re in good hands.”

Fuck, it better be okay. I couldn’t survive if something happened to you.

“S-stay with me?” she asks, and those big brown eyes of hers latch on to mine.

My heart clenches and I have the sudden urge to lean down and kiss her lips, but I swallow it back and find my comforting voice. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

A man steps into the room and introduces himself as Dr. Scott Shepard.

“I’m just going to take a look, okay?” he softly instructs, and Maybe nods. “But I need you to lie flat on your back. I know it’s not going to be comfortable, but it’s important.”

Maybe groans but does as she’s told, turning onto her back.

More pain contorts her face, but she forces herself to breathe through it.

And Dr. Shepard gently feels around on her abdomen until he apparently finds what he needs.

“Carrie.” He grabs the attention of the nurse standing at the foot of Maybe’s bed. “Go ahead and let the OR team know we’re probably going to need a room and get an ultrasound machine in here.”

The OR team?

“What’s going on?” I ask the doctor as Carrie moves out of the room.

“I can’t be sure without an ultrasound, but I’m hoping we’re just dealing with a bad case of appendicitis.”

“You’re hoping it’s that?” I question. “And what exactly are you not hoping for?”

“A ruptured appendix.”

The ultrasound machine is pushed into the room, and Dr. Shepard makes quick work of pulling up the bedsheets to cover Maybe’s waist while sliding her hospital gown up to reveal her abdomen.

A nurse squirts gel on her belly and hands the doc a small device that he places on her skin.

Two minutes later, whatever he sees has him moving into action.

“Tell the OR team we’re heading their way,” he says and slides off his white lab coat. “Are you her husband?”

“Uh…” I wish. For some strange reason, I respond with, “I’m her boyfriend.”

“Well, I am going to take her back for emergency surgery. It’s definitely appendicitis, but there is so much swelling in her abdomen, I can’t be sure if it’s ruptured or just very damn close to rupturing. I won’t know until I get inside.”

“Go ahead and start the protocol, Sandy,” he instructs the nurse holding Maybe’s chart. “I want a dose of antibiotics in before we start.”

My heart drops into my damn shoes.

“And if it has ruptured?”

“Let’s just wait and see what we find, okay?” he responds. “I’m going to have Carrie take you back to the waiting room, and as soon we know what’s going on, I’ll have someone come out and update you.”

I barely have the chance to kiss her forehead before they wheel her out of the room and down the hall.


By the time I step back into the waiting room, I’m a mess. Pacing the floor and running my hands through my hair, I’ve never felt so helpless in my entire goddamn life.

I don’t know how much time has passed before I spot a bride and groom rushing through the emergency room doors. Evan and Sadie.

When we left the reception venue in a rush, Emory helped me get Maybe into my SUV, and she volunteered to stay back and let the Willises know we were heading to St. Luke’s ER.

“Is she okay?” Evan shouts the instant he spots me across the room. With long strides and Sadie’s hand locked in his, he closes the distance between us. “Where is she? Can I see her?”

I shake my head. “They’ve taken her back to surgery.”

“Surgery?” His eyes go wide, and panic takes over his voice. “What the fuck?”

“It’s definitely her appendix, but the doctor isn’t sure if it’s ruptured or not. He said he won’t know until he gets in there to remove it.”

“Fuck!” Evan runs two frustrated hands through his hair, and his wife reaches out with a gentle hand to rub his arm.

“Just take a breath,” Sadie says quietly. “It’s going to be okay.”

“She’s in good hands,” I try to reassure him even though I can barely reassure myself. “The doctor was quick and precise and seemed to have control of the situation.”

Tags: Max Monroe Billionaire Romance