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“Wait. I forgot to add the most important detail of all,” he rambles. “Our good buddy’s off-limits little sister.”

Son of a bitch. His words shouldn’t bother me, but they do.

Guilt had already found its way into my veins this morning. Now, that infection feels so pungent, I fear I’ll go septic.

“We’re just friends,” I deny with a thick tongue. “She asked me to go to that party with her last night, so I did what any good friend would do. I met her there.”

“Oh, okay,” Thatch responds. “You met her at the party. Nothing more. Nothing less, right?”


Thatch snorts. “Yeah, okay. And Cassie’s the Virgin Mary.”

The word virgin lands in my head like an arrow. God, what a fucking mess I’ve gotten myself into.

“Don’t forget that you spent the whole night standing out on the balcony with her, drinking and laughing it up like you were the only two lovebirds at the shindig.”

“Lovebirds!” Thatch whoops wildly.

I might kill Cap. Surely, no one would miss him, right?

“Or that you drove her home,” Cap continues. “Can’t forget that either.”

“It’s nice to know that you were so invested in my whereabouts last night,” I deflect. “I know you get upset when I don’t give you all of my attention, sweetheart, but there’s no need to stalk me.”

Cap grins. “I can’t deny I’m still pissed at you for not taking me to lunch, but that is not the subject at hand, brother. But, hey, two points for your efforts in deflection.”

An annoyed laugh escapes my lungs. “What do you want me to say? Evan asked me to help Maybe get a few interviews with publishing houses in the city. Which I’ve been doing. And yes, I’m friends with her. I went to a party with her. I took her home. Pretty sure we’ve covered it all.”

“Wait…” Thatch chimes in. “How long have you been helping her with the whole career thing?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “A few weeks.”

“More like over a month,” Cap kindly offers, the prick.

“Does it really matter?”

“I knew there was something different about you when I saw you at the gym!” Thatch smiles like a fucking loon. “Goddamn, I’m good.”

“You saw him at the gym?” Cap asks, and Thatch nods.

“Damn right, I did. The Supercock could tell something was different. It was pinging all over the place.”

“Not sure I like the thought of your dick having feelings about me.”

Thatch ignores me and booms on. “And now, it’s safe to say that Little Miss Maybe was the reason.”

“Damn, you two could turn anything into something,” I grumble. “It’s a true talent.”

They both laugh like what I said is the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever heard.

“All right, honey,” Cap says. “It’s pretty obvious you’re not ready to dish the dirt, but just know, when you’re ready, when you’ve officially lit yourself on fire and are up shit creek without a goddamn paddle because you’ve fallen for your best friend’s little sister, we’ll be here. Ready to listen.”

Fallen for my best friend’s little sister? Now they’re really talking crazy.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, you denying bastard.

I roll my eyes. “That’s mighty generous of you, but I can already guarantee that’s not going to happen.”

Are you sure? You’re already feeling things for her that are anything but friendly…or by Maybe’s definition, very friendly.

I shake off my slightly terrifying thoughts and redirect the conversation. “So, is there any other reason you girls called me, or can I get back to work and try to get out of here before I waste my entire Saturday in the office?”

“You’re really keeping it close to the vest, eh?” Thatch smirks. “Ah, well, can’t say I blame you. Cap showed me a picture of Maybe, and I’d do the same thing if I were in your shoes.”

I quirk a brow. “Do the same thing?”

“Yep.” He nods. “I’d light myself on fucking fire too. I’m certain there isn’t a single guy in New York who could resist those big, innocent brown eyes of hers.”

“Thatcher Kelly!” a female’s voice screeches in the background. “I can fluffing hear you!”

It takes exactly one second for me to know that voice belongs to his wife, Cassie.

“Ah, calm down, honey,” he calls over his shoulder. “I’m just talking in hypotheticals. You know your glorious tits are the only tits I want in my big fucking hands.”

“Tits! Tits!” a small child’s voice chimes in behind him. “I like tits!”

“Gunnar don’t repeat what Daddio says, little buddy.”

“Fluffing hell, Thatcher!” Cassie exclaims. “I swear to God, if I find out he’s walking around day care saying ‘I like tits,’ I’m going to kill you!”

The Kelly household, ladies and gentlemen.

“Ah, hell,” Thatch sighs. “I better get off here before Cass loses her shit.”

Both Cap and I grin at each other on the screen. Thatch’s zoo means that for once in this conversation, I’m not the main attraction.

Tags: Max Monroe Billionaire Romance