Page 100 of Rise (Rock God 1)

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“Knowing how my brother is with Antoinette, he probably would have been happier if you had murdered someone.” I sit back.

“Probably,” she huffs. “And Jason went all Blade on me…” Her face starts to flush as a small smile crosses her lips, and I think I might throw up. This is why I need Julianna. I’ll never make it through today without her.

“Anyway, I just texted Dougie. He’ll fix you both up.” She smiles and continues texting.

Eve is gorgeous. With golden-blond hair, blue eyes, and legs that seem to never end, she commands the room. She also did the impossible. She got Blade McCormick to fall for her hard. I remember my brother feeling so sad for him. Jesus, look at him now.

I lean my head back on the cool leather seat and close my eyes. They’re so swollen, even shutting them hurts. I have to pull myself together. I’ve cried myself and drunk myself into an emotional mess. Considering how physically exhausted and torn up I am, a short nap or a moment to rest my eyes might help.

“Eve, what the fuck? Who is with her?” I groan at the deep, angry voice that dares to wake me.

“Jason, I’m at a loss. Look at her. Our beautiful Gia. Fucking Granger, that’s it. I’m no longer a fan, no matter how much I love The Stuffed Muffins.”

“This is fucked. Axel saw the article on them today.”

I blink my eyes a couple of times and sit up as Blade comes into focus.

“I’m jet-lagged,” I say, turning to wake Julianna. Her spot is vacant.

“Where’s Julianna?” Jumping out the open door, I look around the clubhouse and cringe as the sun bounces off the shiny bikes.

It looks pretty much the same. Grass and play area on one side, gravel and firepits on the other. Lots of bikers walking around, but no Julianna.

“Give me your arm.” Blade and his large body tower over me, his eyes going straight for my veins.

“What are you doing?” I pull my arm away. “What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing. You look like shit. I’m taking care of my family, and that includes you.”

I’m completely mortified. “So, you’re saying I look like a junkie?” This week has been hell, but Blade checking my arms for needle marks might be my breaking point. He cocks his head at me, his green eyes dissecting me.

“Christ.” He grabs me for a tight hug. It’s strong, warm, and secure, and, of course, I start to cry.

“It’s okay, Gia. Just get it out. Fucking piece-of-shit Granger. I should put a bullet in his head,” he growls as he strokes my hair and I try not to get snot on his cut.

“Sorry.” I wipe it, the smell of leather strangely comforting. “I’m just tired. I hate to fly.” I shake my head and reluctantly pull away as I wipe under my eyes and try to laugh. When I glance over at Eve, she looks concerned.

“This is not because of Granger.” I motion to my face as I take the elastic from around my wrist to pull my hair back into a low bun. “Where’s Julianna?”

“Gia, do you think I’m stupid?” I shake my head no at Blade.

“I never forget a face. Especially when one belongs to the woman who fucked with my enforcer’s head,” he says. “Why would you bring her?”

I sniff. “I have zero idea what you’re talking about,” reaching back inside for my large purse.

“Wait. Please tell me you’re not saying that Julianna has a past with Ryder?” Eve looks at Blade who simply stares at me.

“Oh God. This is bad.” She swings around to look at me, her long hair hitting me in the face. “Do you get that Cindy is… Cindy is here. She’s supposed to be with Ryder,” she whispers as if we’re passing around CIA secrets.

I sling my purse onto my shoulder. “Well, if we want to get technical, Julianna saw him first.”

“What?” Eve’s voice rises.

“Just take her inside, Angel. Get Dolly to work her magic. Axel will lose his mind if he sees her like this.” Blade stares at me, along with Eve, both of them seeming to forget that I’m standing right in front of them.

“And, Gia?”

“What?” I snap, over this already, but that seems to be my new normal.

“This is Axel and Antoinette’s day. I don’t want drama.” He nods at me. Fantastic. That’s code for I shouldn’t have brought Julianna. They want Cindy. She’s part of the group, or at least the old lady group.

Screw it, Julianna’s part of my group. That being said, I’ll try to seat her in the back. Eve loops her arm through mine as we start up the stairs to the clubhouse.

“You need to tell me everything,” she whispers as a prospect opens the door for us.

“I need booze. I’m never going to make it through this. And stop looking at me like that. Ryder is a grown man, and I have a feeling about them.”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins Rock God Romance