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“We need to go inside,” Troy warned. “Before we get attention we don’t want.” His brother’s voice jolted Aiden back to his senses. He tore his mouth from Kelly’s, drew her breasts to his mouth and sealed her wound. But she was wild, touching him, kissing him, driving him crazy.

He shoved his hand in her hair, pulled her gaze to his. ”I know it hurts Sweetheart, but you have to behave until I get you inside. Once we’re there, I’ll fuck you as long and hard as you want me to. You have to be still and not draw attention to us until I get you there though. Can you do that for me?” She blinked up at him, a moment of awareness touching her gaze. “Hurry,” she pleaded. “Please, hurry.” Her pain was evident, and he sent her a mental command to sleep.

Aiden shifted her so she was across his lap again, so that he could carry her to the house. Troy covered her with a windbreaker he’d had somewhere in the vehicle before Aiden slid out of the door and headed to the porch.

A few seconds later, all three of them were inside the old historical white house. Kelly tossed around in his arms, crying out in pain.

Aiden headed to his bedroom to the right, down a short hallway and set her down on the mattress. She cried out again then screamed with pain. Her body jerked, her fingers curling into the blanket.

“Wake her up and undress,” Troy said quickly, about to climb onto the bed.

Possessiveness, and anger, roared inside Aiden and for an instant he actually wanted to rip his brother’s throat out. He grabbed Troy by the shirt. “Touch her and you die.”

“This isn’t the fucking time for cock fights,” Troy growled. “She’s dying and don’t think I haven’t been around. You won’t survive losing her.”

Kelly screamed and Aiden felt the pain in that scream all the way to his soul. He shoved Troy away from him and Troy righted himself with just a little too much agility, climbing onto the bed and sitting against the headboard. He pulled Kelly against him, her back to his chest, his hands covering her breasts, tweaking her nipples.

Kelly moaned, this time with pleasure, the pain in her face relaxing. Realization came over him. This was about pain and relief for her. About need. This wasn’t about him or Troy. This was about what would save Kelly’s life. She wasn’t his to share or not share. She was his to save.


“Were going to take good care of you,” a male voice whispered near her ear, his fingers tugging and twisting her nipples.

“Harder,” she pleaded. “Harder.” Fingers brushed her stomach, her thighs, the touch warm and wonderful, yet painful. Why did the pleasure hurt? Why did the pain cause pleasure? Her skirt was tugged down her hips. Someone was undressing her. Oh, thank you. Yes. Thank you. She wanted the clothes off.

She wanted to be fucked. “I need to come,” she panted. “I need to come now.”

“And you will,” the man promised, doing as she’d asked. She didn’t know who he was, she didn’t want him here. She wanted Aiden. Yet the stranger was tugging and twisting her nipples and she was afraid he’d stop, as surely as she wanted him to. Aiden was here and he trusted this man, and that meant something to her. Aiden. She needed Aiden. “Aiden!” she cried out, lifting her head, trying to find him, suddenly not sure where he was. He could make the pain go away.

“I’m here,” he said, kissing her stomach, his fingers sliding between her thighs, pressing inside her. “And I’m not going anywhere. Lay back with Troy. Let me take care of you.” Troy. She knew that name. She knew Troy. She slowly eased back against the no longer nameless man.

Aiden wanted her to, so she did. And he was kissing a delicious path downward. She didn’t want him to stop.

“Hurry,” she cried out. “Hurry.” She wasn’t even sure what she wanted him to hurry and do. Only that it was imperative that he did.

Warm heat slid between her legs – Aiden’s breath trickling along her core, a moment before his mouth closed down on her clit, suckling her. She sank deeper into Troy’s arms, sensations blasting through her –

delicious, wonderful pleasure that eased the pain. Kelly moaned. ”Yes.” Her hands covered Troy’s, melding them against her breasts, the rise of orgasm building inside her, taking her to the edge. One of Aiden’s hands cupped her backside, as the other lifted one of her legs over his shoulder, before his fingers slid back inside her, pumping into her. She exploded into release, spasms shaking her to the core. Finally, finally relief.

But as sure as pleasure had come, the pain began again. “Oh God. It won’t stop. The pain won’t stop.” He pulled her down beneath him, away from the other man, and only then did she realize he was naked, his cock settling long and hard, between her thighs. “I’ll make it stop.” His long dark hair brushed her face and in the midst of the pain, the burn, his beauty, his strength calmed her. Memories flooded her mind – the Detective, the drug, the fear and pain.

“What if you can’t? I don’t want to die.”

“I can,” he promised, spreading her wider, sliding his cock against the sensitive folds of her body. “I will.” He entered her, pressing inside her, stretching her. And in that moment, she believed he could, and would, save her. She believed he would make the pain stop.

Chapter Sixteen

Kelly moaned at the welcome invasion of Aiden inside her. “Yes. Yes, Aiden. Deeper. Please, deeper.” She felt no inhibition, no limits. The drug had made sure of that, the drug and the man she trusted to get her through this. “Kiss me,” she ordered. “I need you to kiss me.” Instantly, his mouth came down on hers, his tongue stroking hers, demanding and hot. Yes, so very hot.

She liked being hot. She wanted to be closer to him, to crawl und

er his skin. She didn’t want to know where she stopped and where he started. She lost herself in the slide and grind of his cock.

“More,” she cried out. “More, Aiden.”

Aiden pushed to his hands, his powerful arms flexing, his face etched with passion. He pounded into her, thrusting harder and harder, faster and faster. There was no pain. There was only Aiden. Aiden inside her.

Aiden on top of her. The pleasure. She wanted it, but it hurt. It hurt so much. She felt the rise of orgasm, felt the pleasure of release, and braced for what came after it, the feeling of glass splintering through her body.

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Vampire Wardens Vampires