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“You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman…”

There it was, the tension that shouldn’t have been there, the note of taboo attraction. Bryn was not her father, but he felt like he may as well have been. Finding him attractive was wrong.

She had never been bedded, though she could have been many times. She had turned down all the lyrakin her age because no man she had ever met had held a candle to Bryn.

Hail tried to pretend that his words were innocent acknowledgements of her having gotten older, but she knew that look in his firebrown eyes. The thing between them was the thing between them.

“The world is full of beautiful women, Bryn,” she said. “I’m not interested in trading on shallow beauty. I hope I’m worth more than that to someone who isn’t guarding his own interests at the cost of my growth. I have a destiny bigger than this place, and bigger than you.”

“Aye, lass, that’s probably true.”


The Fire With No Light

It was morning when Hail left.

She had never been on her own before. That was somewhat shameful for someone who considered herself an adventurer. As Hail stepped out onto the streets of New Rahvin for what she hoped would be the last time for a very long time, she felt equal amounts of excitement and trepidation. She did not know where she was going to sleep this night. She also did not know what she was going to do to get gold, or food, or anything. But she knew that the future was hers to decide.

“Hail! Wait!”

A friend was calling out to her. Suddenly, it occurred to Hail that she hadn’t said goodbye to anybody. She hadn’t even technically said goodbye to Bryn. She had been focusing so hard on being outcast that she’d almost forgotten she had friends at all. It was much easier to mope and retreat into solitude than it was to appreciate all the nuance of leaving the only place she had ever thought of as home.

Hail turned around and saw Elise rushing toward her, her golden braid flying out behind her, an expression of excitement and concern across her sweet features. She had big, wide, blue eyes and generous candy pink lips. Her cheeks were sweet and full, as were the curves of her body. She wore a corset and long skirts under which embroidered boots flashed.

Elise was eighteen years old. Also on the cusp of adulthood, and at the age of marriageability. She was prettier than Hail. She was sweeter than Hail. She had every desirable personal trait over Hail. She was aware of absolutely none of those things. She also pretended to be unaware that half the marriageable men in New Rahvin were interested in having her hand. Bryn kept them at a distance.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m leaving forever. So Bryn won’t be pleased that you’re following me.”

“You were going to leave without saying goodbye?” Elise looked genuinely betrayed by that. Hail didn’t want to admit that she’d decided to leave without mentioning it because saying goodbye would have hurt so much she might have done what Bryn wanted. She might have stayed.

“He cast me out, Elise.”

Elise gave her a look which showed that she didn’t believe a word Hail was saying.

“Bryn wouldn’t do that. I bet you decided you didn’t want to abide by his rules anymore.”

“You’re too smart for your own good, Elise.”

She beamed. “I am. I don’t want to abide by his rules neither.”


“What? If you can tell Bryn to stick his head in a cistern and leave to follow your fortune, why can’t I? I’m grown too, aren’t I?

“Yes, Elise, you’re grown. You can do what you want. But you’ll be safe with Bryn.”

“Maybe I don’t want to be safe.”

She looked so adorable. So determined. So fucking likely to get herself killed. Hail wondered if she seemed this way to Bryn. Probably not. She was never sweet and tender the way Elise was. Elise had one of those personalities which made people want to look after her. She was just so sweet that the thought of anything bad ever happening to her seemed like a crime against nature itself.

“Go back to Bryn, Elise. I can’t keep you safe where I’m going.”

“Where are you going?”


“That’s vague. Don’t you need an actual destination in mind?”

“I’m going to where the magic takes me. I want to learn. There’re colleges and mages and witches and all sorts who will teach a talented pupil.”

“So you’re going to find a teacher, then? That doesn’t sound so scary or dangerous.”

“Go back to Bryn,” Hail repeated herself.

She was taller than Elise, by a good several inches. Bryn was taller than her, and always made her feel small, but Hail was actually quite a sturdy specimen. She did not fear the rough boys who roamed the streets of New Rahvin, so she didn’t fear anything else either. If one could survive a pack of vicious eight-to-fifteen-year-old boys, one could survive practically anything.

Tags: Loki Renard Romance