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“I have good news,” I whisper into her wild mane of mahogany hair.

“You’re ready to go again?” She punctuates the question with a roll of her hips against my thigh.

“Always, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

She lifts her head, planting her chin on the back of her hand so she can look at me.

“I mentioned to Kincaid earlier about looking for a place to stay in town so we can have more room to spread out and he asked why we don’t just build here on Cerberus property.”

Her eyes widen as they begin to brim with tears. “Really?”

I nod. “We may be packed in here for a little while after the baby is born, but not for long. If we get all the paperwork done and squared away quickly, I’m sure we can get the actual build started soon.”

“That makes me so happy,” she says, lifting up and pressing her lips to mine.

“You have a lot of work to do.” I kiss the tip of her nose when she pulls back looking confused. “You’re going to be responsible for designing the house of your dreams.”

“I don’t know anything about design.”

“You can start by deciding how many bedrooms you want, whether you want upstairs or single level, open concept, that sort of thing.”

“How many bedrooms do you want?”

I haven’t really thought past what we’d need right now, but I can see the sparkle in her eyes as she waits for my answer.

“You know I can’t give you more children, right?”

She swallows, her eyes darting away.

“And you don’t want to adopt?”

“April,” I tilt her chin toward me, “I’d love a house full of children. I’d love to adopt. I’d love to use a donor if you’re up for that.”

“I love you,” she whispers, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I don’t brush them away because I know they aren’t sad tears.

“I love you, too.”

“Coming to New Mexico was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’m so happy.”

I hold her close. “I am, too.”

It’s crazy how a single conversation can change the direction of someone’s life. April came here for a last name for her baby, a way to cover the shame she felt for trusting a boy, and somehow we ended up madly in love and planning a future together.

She and this baby are my entire world.

Chapter 39


“I… umm… thank you.”

Several chuckles ring out around me.

“You have no idea what it’s for, do you?” Misty keeps a straight face as she looks at me.

“A tiny hat or something, but there’s no way to tie it on. Babies wiggle a lot.”

Another round of laughter echoes around me. When I arrived here over six months ago, that laughter would have had the power to make me cry. Now, after spending time with everyone and getting to know their personalities, it doesn’t hit me the same way. Yeah, they’re laughing at my expense, but it’s in good fun. There isn’t any animosity or negativity in their laughter.

“It’s a penis cone.”

I snap my eyes up to Emmalyn.

“I didn’t have to use one because I had girls, but Misty had two boys.”

I look around the room, but no one seems to be willing to give me any more information.

I hold it up, turning it over. “I still don’t understand.”

“You place it over their penis when you change their diapers, so you don’t get urinated on,” Misty says. “What? You don’t think they work? I promise they do.”

“But then the urine will hit the plastic and fall back on the baby. If you place a folded washrag over them, the fabric absorbs the pee.”

Several eyebrows raise.

“We’ve been doing it wrong for years,” someone whispers.

And this time when everyone laughs, they’re laughing at themselves, and it’s just as much fun.

“You guys really didn’t have to do this. You already gave us so much when we got married.”

“Enough of that. We spoil everyone around here, and this is just the baby shower. Wait until Christmas,” Emmalyn says, a devious smile on her face.

“I don’t know if the nursery is going to be big enough to fit everything but thank you.”

“Some of this will stay here in case you want to sleep at the clubhouse when the guys are gone,” Misty explains.

“You sure that’s okay?”

Emmalyn nods. “Delilah is staying with Jaxon and Rob when Lawson is gone.”

“And me when she gets tired of them,” Misty adds, her face bright and happy when she looks at the infant in Delilah’s arms with longing.

I rub my hands over my belly. We weren’t going to find out the sex of the baby at our last ultrasound, but the tech let it slip that we were having a boy. I would’ve been happy either way, and I know Nate has said the same thing, but he is over the moon we’re having a son.

Tags: Marie James Romance