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Phil nodded. “Less so than the main office, but sure.”

“That can help actually. I can scan through the computers looking for docs that were sent and hopefully the offending virus is still attached. Whoever did this probably covered their tracks but maybe if we look at who sent docs around that time, we can narrow the possibilities.”

“Sure. I can’t imagine anyone we work with would do that though,” Phil said looking dubious.

“Can you name some?”

Phil began listing off a few names. “And you know Marcus Chen—”

“Chen.” Noah’s eyes narrowed and he quickly glanced at me. “Are the other contracts concerned about the hack?”

“Most don’t know. At least they haven’t said they know,” Phil said.

Noah looked at Phil. “Are you sure? Chen said he’d heard about trouble from some.”

Phil shrugged. “If he did, they didn’t tell me. We have had some talks with our partners about the issues resulting in the supply chain mix-ups, but no discussion of a hack.”

“So, Chen knows about the hack but isn’t concerned,” Noah said. “Interesting.”

“How so?” Phil asked.

“He’s the only one who knows, and he doesn’t care. Why would that be if his success is tied to ours, unless he’s the source of the problem.”

I shifted in my chair, feeling guilty for having accepted some of Marcus’ advances. I’d been truthful in my endeavor to get information, but also, I’d liked that Marcus found me interesting.

I felt the need to make things right if even in my own head. “I can see him again and get more information—”

“No.” This time Noah’s authoritative tone didn’t sit well with me.

“You don’t think I can do it?” I challenged him.

Noah’s jaw tightened. “It’s not necessary.”

“You just said he was your top suspect.”

“He is. But you’re not the one who needs to do this.” Noah’s voice was tenser.

“I’m the best one to do this. He trusts me.”

“He wants to fu—” Noah stopped himself.

I looked at Phil whose gaze was moving between the two of us like he realized there was something more going on but not sure what.

“Can you give us a moment?” Noah asked Phil.

“Sure.” He looked relieved to be able to leave the room, shutting the door behind him.

Noah stood and came over to where I sat. “I don’t want you to see Chen.”


He rolled his eyes. “I think this morning should tell you why.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You think I’m going to go from you to him?”

“You did it before.”

I shot up from my chair angry that he’d think I’d sleep with him one minute and be with Chen the next. Yes, that had sort of happened, but only because Noah had called me a mistake.

Tags: Ajme Williams Strong Brothers Romance