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"I don't know. I imagine it won't be for too long," the bartender said.

I took another sip of my drink, but then left it there, deciding I could access the mini bar in our suite. I left the bartender a tip and then made my way up to the suite.

I’d call Noah back to the hotel for safety, but would move my work into my bedroom so that we could have the space he clearly needed from me.

Back in the room, I set my phone and Marcus’ card on the table and decided to get another drink. Before I sequestered myself in my room, I’d get a drink and take a long soak in the tub. I’d use the time to relieve the tension that always knotted in me when I thought of Noah. I couldn’t wait for this trip to be over. And when we got home, I hoped he followed through and left San Diego. Being around him was too much of a torment on my nerves.



My initial instinct to tell my grandmother no about this assignment had been right. The hack wasn't as straightforward as we thought it would be, and finding the culprit was turning out to be an elusive task. And then there was the constant temptation of Andi. It was taking every ounce of my strength to avoid her, especially now that I'd had a taste of her. I was sure she thought I was an asshole, which I suppose was working in my favor, but it was making me crazy. I shouldn't have come to Hong Kong or I should have insisted someone else coming with me instead of Andi.

But I did come, and I had a job to do, and so over the last week, that's all I did. Except for the one night when I went to the club and did my damnedest to find a woman that I could make myself forget Andi, without success, I'd been working practically nonstop. I spent most of the day in the Hong Kong office, and I ventured out to meet with many of our vendors and distributors as well. I got the feeling that Andi didn't believe me, but again that was something that could play to my advantage. It was better that she hated me.

Back in the Strong office, I sat back in the chair reaching my arms up and stretching, feeling annoyed that I wasn't closer to figuring out where this hack had come from and who was trying to sabotage my family's business.

Phil rapped on the door. "Noah, we need to get you back to the hotel right away."

I frowned as I looked up at him. "Why, what's going on? Is something wrong with Andi?" I’d been relieved when she’d insisted at working in the suite instead of coming to the office with me. But now, panic filled me. Had she been hurt?

"No, she's fine. But she called to say that the hotel is going on lockdown because there's protesting going on around there. It's best in this situation that you be at the hotel."

"Lockdown? For how long?" The idea of being locked down with Andi was terrifying. Sure, my dick was pretty excited about it, but how would I ever be able to resist her if I was stuck with her twenty-four-seven?

"I imagine it's not going to be for too long, but it really is the best place for you to be. We need to go now for you to get in there before they lock down and won't let you in."

I nodded, packing up my laptop. Phil drove me back to the hotel and he got me as close as he could, but the traffic and the people made it impossible for me for him to drop me at the front door. A few blocks away, I got out of the car and I wove my way through the throngs of people. There was shouting and horns blaring. I had no idea what was going on, but I kept my head down and moving until I reached the hotel.

At first the security at the front door was reluctant to let me in, but finally the manager from the hotel came out and told him to allow me through. Once inside, I made my way to the elevators sending my brothers and my grandmother a quick text to let them know what was going on but that we were safe.

As the elevator reached the floor, I reminded myself that the hotel was a large building, and just because we were locked out it didn't mean I would have to stay in our suite. Or if I did have to stay in the suite, I could stay in my room.

I reached the door and using my key card to unlock it, I walked in scanning for Andi to make sure she was okay.

Oh holy fuck. All the blood in me drained straight to my dick has I saw her by the window once again only in a towel. Was it possible to die from lust? I couldn’t stop myself from scanning every inch of her, from the sexy messy tied up hair down over her creamy shoulders, the outline of her ass, and her bare legs, and then up again, noting the lovely swells of her tits, despite her pulling the towel higher and tighter around her.

She sent me a tentative smile, no doubt preparing herself for me to chastise her again. I might have, if I didn’t have sandpaper in my mouth.

"I'm glad you made it back because it looks like there's a lot of unrest downstairs." She nodded toward the window where outside people were chanting.

Go to your room, Noah, repeated in my brain like a mantra. Instead, I walked over to the window and looked out.

"I know all about it. I just had to weave my way through it." Trying to avoid looking at her, I turned my attention to the table and saw Marcus’ business card.

That ugly angry feeling welled up again. "Did you see him?" I asked gruffly, picking up the card and waving it at her like I had caught her misbehaving.

Her eyes flared with heat. "So what if I did?”

My gaze swept over her again, as anger and fucking jealousy ravaged me. "Did you bring him back here? Did you just wash him off your body?"

"No. Not that it's any of your business." She cocked her hip, putting her hands on her waist, defiantly challenging me. "If I didn't know any better, Noah, I’d think you were jealous.”

I stepped closer to her despite the warning bells blaring in my brain telling me to retreat. I ran a finger along her collarbone feeling triumphant when her breath hitched.

“What if I am?"

For a moment, surprise flashed in her eyes, but then she said, “I don't believe you. You’ve made it perfectly clear that you have no interest in all this." She motioned her body with her hand.

Tags: Ajme Williams Strong Brothers Romance