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How many nights after we parted ways four years ago, had I wondered about her? Even now, sometimes without warning, she would appear in my dreams waking me up with an aching heart on. And now here she was.

She wobbled, and fell over.

My father came out of position. "Are you alright, Jess?"

He turned to look in the direction that she was staring, and saw me.

It shook me from my stupor, and I propelled myself forward. "Hey, dad."

Jess's eyes rounded for a moment, and then she looked down as she pushed herself back up and then helped my father stand up as well.

"Carter. I didn't know you were back already.” My father walked towards me with an improved gait sense the last time I’d seen him, but still a bit tentative. I met him in the middle of the terrace, giving him a hug.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

My father turned slightly and acknowledged Jess. "Come meet my physical therapist. I think you're the only one that hasn't met her."

The few times I'd been home since my father's accident, his physical therapist had been out. I knew her name was Jess, and in fact hearing that name had brought back most marvelous memories. But it never occurred to me that his physical therapist Jess would be my fantasy cruise Jess.

"Carter, this is just Jessica Wilson, although she prefers to go by Jess. Jess, this is the one son that you haven't met yet, Carter," my father introduced us.

Was I supposed to give away that I knew her?

She extended her hand, and I shook it, wondering if she remembered me at all?

"Nice to see you," I said, inwardly kicking myself. This was a woman I'd never forgotten, and now I was acting like I'd forgotten her.

"You too.” Then she turned her attention to my father. “I’ll go get packed up Alex and have your housekeeper send out some water for you." Before my father could respond, she was already through the door.

I wanted to go after her and talk to her, but I reminded myself that I’d just made a vow to focus on my father. So, I walked with him to the table on the terrace and we both sat.

"It looks like your recovery is coming along," I said with one eye at the door that Jess just walked through.

"Well, I'm impatient, but Jess says that I'm making excellent progress. I tell you that woman is a wonder."

I nodded in agreement, and then stopped myself because I was only supposed to have just met her. But I remembered thinking she was a wonder when I'd met her on the cruise.

"How long before you think you'll be surfing again?" I asked.

My father laughed. "Not soon enough. But Jess says it won't be too long now."

"Good, because I got you a present. I'll be right back.” I stood up and headed back out to my car looking for Jess as I did, hoping to have a chance to talk with her for a moment. But I didn’t see her. I got to my car and grabbed the present protruding from the small back seat of my car and brought it inside.

"Will you be staying for lunch, Mr. Strong?" My father's housekeeper asked me.

Normally I might have said no, but perhaps staying for lunch will allow me to see Jess. "If it's not too much trouble."

The elderly woman smiled at me. "Your father always loves having you boys here. It's no trouble."

Of course, I was talking about trouble for her, but my father was one of those people that endeared everyone to him, including his hired help.

There was still no sign of Jess as I crossed through the living room and made my way back out onto the terrace.

"What do you think dad?" I asked as I brought his present over to the table where his housekeeper had brought water.

His face lit up with the sight, making the challenge of bringing this gift back from Asia totally worth it. "Surfboard. Where'd you get it?"

Tags: Ajme Williams Strong Brothers Romance