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Ryder’s lackadaisical way of going through life notwithstanding, I was having a hard time understanding how he was so calm about all this. Babies changed everything. In an instant, all my plans for the future were gone. Not that I had anything significant, but I liked having a steady predictable life. That was gone. Ryder took with a shrug and a smile. It was a characteristic that normally would irk the hell out of me, but right now, when I felt like my entire world was upside down, it was nice to have his calming demeanor.

He reheated the lasagna, which was perfect. Kids liked lasagna, right? Then I shook my head at the thought of us with a kid eating Italian because this marriage was fake. Baby or no baby, in a day I’d be back at my own place. We’d have to work out a co-parenting schedule. I hoped the kid liked take-out because that’s what it would get at my house.

He put me in his bed and appeared to be prepared to leave, but I needed his comfort, so I asked him to stay. With a smile, he climbed in next to me and pulled me close.

“I know you’re worried, but it’s going to be fine,” he said, softly, calmly.

Okay, that statement did irk more than comfort. “You don’t know that, Ryder.”

“What’s going to go wrong?” he asked.

“Maybe it will be born with a congenital problem. Maybe it will hate me.”

“Maybe aliens will land and abduct it.”

I jerked. “I’m being serious.”

“You’re letting your fear run roughshod over your common sense.” His hand slid over my belly. “People have babies all the time, and yes, it changes things, but change doesn’t necessarily mean for the worst. Look at Sinclair. She was eighteen for God sake. Still in college. But she finished school. She got a good job. She’s now poised to win the next mayoral election.”

“She had help.”

He pulled back his head to look at me. “And you don’t?” He gave a nod and smirk. “That’s right. I’m chopped liver.”

God I was such a jerk. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I just…I’m used to doing everything alone and I don’t know how I’ll do that.”

“You won’t do it alone, you won’t.” He kissed my head. “Just relax. Let it go for now. It’s not like it won’t be here in the morning.”

I tried to do as he said, but my head was a crazy jumble of thoughts and worries.

“Try harder,” he said as if he knew I was having a hard time. He rubbed my back and kissed my neck.

That was the answer, I realized. I needed to escape my head and go to a place of physical sensation only. I pressed my lips to his and reached between us to cup his dick.

He let out an oomph. “That’s what got us into this predicament.” His voice was amused as he shifted so I could better stroke him.

“Might as well make the best of it, right?”

He grinned. “That’s the spirit.” He rolled me back as he tugged my sleeping shirt and shorts off. Then he ran his hand down my body, strewing kisses until he reached my belly. “Hey baby. It’s your daddy.”

The scene was sweet and yet also so scary. Then with a kiss to my belly, he continued downward.

Yes, I thought as he pushed my legs apart and settled his broad shoulders between my thighs.

“Just feel, baby,” he whispered and then lapped his tongue through my pussy folds.

“Yes,” I said on a long breath. I threaded my fingers through his hair, holding him there. Sweet pleasure began to course through my body, overtaking the racing thoughts in my mind.

He worked his magic, sucking and licking, and then thrusting his tongue and then a finger inside me until I was writhing with need.

“Ryder,” I said on a gasp as I teetered on the edge.

“Come for me, Katrina.” Two fingers thrust inside me as he sucked on my clit. White lights went off in my head as my orgasm burst out, radiating through my body. I gave into it. Into the release. Into him.

As I came down, he moved up my body, shucking his pants and t-shirt off. “Do you want to make love too?”

Tags: Ajme Williams Fake Marriage Romance Romance