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“No blood today, baby, I promise.” He ripped the microphone from Stark’s hand and put his other arm around me, pulling me close.

“Just so we’re clear. I’ve loved Sinclair since I was sixteen-”

“Sixteen?” Ryder gaped.

“She finally seduced me when I was eighteen…under that oak tree over there.”

“Oh God, I thought you didn’t want people to know about that.” My face had to be beet red in embarrassment.

He grinned. “Just letting the good people of Salvation know that I’ve always loved you and will always love you.” Then he fused his lips to mine in a fiery kiss that had my knees wobbling.

Hoots and whistles sounded from our guests.

“Oh my God. Stop already,” I heard Alyssa. “This is so embarrassing.”

“Any questions?” Wyatt asked when he finally pulled back.

“Yeah, what happened under the tree?” someone asked.

I blushed. Then turning to Stark, I said, “You can bring your worst, Mr. Stark, but we, and by we I mean the good people of Salvation, aren’t going to go down without a fight.

“Here’s to Salvation,” Wyatt said, reaching for a glass of champagne. He handed me a flute and took one for himself. We clicked and drank as our guests cheered Stark out of my parents’ yard.

We were in a crowd of people, but when I turned to look up at Wyatt, he was the only person I saw at that moment.

“You know, you’re the perfect husband.”

He grinned. “No kidding? That’s convenient because you’re the perfect wife.”

“So, will we be consummating this marriage under the oak tree?”

He nodded and leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Next time.” And then he kissed me.

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Tags: Ajme Williams Fake Marriage Romance Romance