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Finally, I ran out of things to do, but not the agitated energy. I felt like I was vibrating with it.

“Fuck it!” I stood and grabbed my coat. I exited my office and found the rest of the space empty. I checked my watch. They’d all gone home and hadn’t told me. Not that I could blame them. If I could barely stand to be around me, they sure as shit couldn’t either.

I locked up and headed straight to Petal’s, feeling a bit like I was walking into my own doom, but unable to stop myself.

I reached the bakery and took a moment to rethink what I was doing. Fuck it.

It was ten minutes past her closing time, but the door was open. I walked in, turned the sign to “Closed” and locked the door. I made a b-line through the swinging door into the kitchen.

She was tasting frosting, her cupid bow lips wrapped around her finger as she turned to me, her brows arching in surprise.

I felt a rolling in my chest, and the agitation morphed into something less volatile, but it was still an energy humming in my blood. I wanted her to suck my dick like she was sucking her finger. I wanted to bathe her in frosting and lick it all off her body.


I strode up to her, looking like a mad man I’m sure, but she didn’t back away. She wasn’t afraid.

“You are a witch, you know. A sexy witch.”

Her brows furrowed in concern or question; I wasn’t sure.

“You’ve fucking bewitched me,” I clarified.

She bit her lip and it was so fucking sexy it was a wonder my dick hadn’t appeared out of my waistband.

“I’m sorry?” She clearly didn’t know what to make of me.

I took her hand and looked at her finger. The frosting was mostly gone, but there was a small sliver of it still there. I put her finger in my mouth and sucked, letting my tongue gently lave its soft pad.

Her green eyes flared with heat and her breath hitched.

“Do you know what I thought when I walked in here?” I asked, licking her finger.

“No. What?”

“I wanted to spread that frosting all over your body and lick it off.”

She swallowed hard. “It’s peanut butter chocolate. Your favorite.”

I groaned. She was supposed to tell me I was a fucking pervert. Or make me leave. She’s your friend.

“Make me leave,” I finally said. “I’ll fuck this up Petal and I don’t want to.”

“I can’t make you leave,” she said, dipping her finger in the frosting and offering it to me again.

I groaned and closed my eyes as her finger, cool from the frosting, entered my hot mouth.

“See, bewitching.” I managed to say when she withdrew her finger. I leaned closer to her, wanting to do something that would have her pushing me away, but having a hard time finding the words. Finally, I said. “I’m going home and I’m going to jerk off this hardon.”

Her gaze held mine, not all put off by my comment. Then I felt her hand on my dick. “I can jerk it off for you. I can suck it off if you’d rather.”

“Fuck!” I closed my eyes and looked up, willing for the strength to not strip her bare right there and fuck her on her cupcake table.

Her hands went to my belt and I simply didn’t have the strength to stop her. I looked down at her pretty green eyes watching me as she undid the button of my pants and pushed my slacks and boxer briefs down.

Her finger dipped into the frosting batter again and holy fuck, I damn near came at the idea of what she’d do with it. With her gaze still on mine, she sank to her knees. Finally, she broke contact and looked at my dick, harder than steel rod.

She drew the icing along the length. My dick jumped at the cool thick icing, and an electric shock zapped through me, short circuiting my brain.

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance