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“When do you have to go home?” she asked as I pulled into Henderson’s parking lot.

“After your tests.”

“Oh Cy, you don’t need to stay for that. I don’t need you to hover over me like an old woman.”

I parked the car and reached over to take her hand. “I’m not doing this for you, mom, I’m doing it for me. I’m asking you to indulge me because I love my mom.”

She rolled her eyes, but she smiled and it reached all the way to her eyes.

“Now, can I have two scoops today?” I asked. Growing up, we’d only ever been able to afford one scoop.

“Today you can have three scoops if you want.”

The next couple of days were filled with taking my mom for tests, but not getting any answers. I suggested that we clean up some areas of her house but didn’t tell her about my idea that I’d have her downsize and move near me. It was a trip down memory lane to go through many of the old papers, pictures, and junk from our life together.

The days were full, but at night, Petal always creeped into my dreams. Those green eyes looking up at me with longing and desire. Her cupid bow lips stretching into a smile that was brighter than the sun. I should have never touched her, and yet, I couldn’t deny being glad I had the memory of it. As furious as the sex had been, there was something sweet about it too. That was Petal. Bringing sweetness to everything she touched.

My mother had another appointment tomorrow and then I’d be heading back to Bismarck. I had to decide by then how I was going to deal with Petal. I didn’t want to avoid her forever. I missed chatting with her. I longed to see her radiant smile. But I couldn’t see her if I couldn’t keep my yearning for her under control. I hoped she’d understand and not take it personally. That was my biggest fear. That she’d think I thought something was wrong with her and that’s why I left abruptly and hadn’t been back. The truth was, she was perfect.



It was nearing the end of the week and there still had been no sign of Cyrus. Initially, I’d thought he might be away because he was busy or wanted to avoid awkwardness. But now, it seemed clear that he didn’t plan to come back. Did he get what he wanted and now didn’t need to come by? It was hard to imagine Cyrus being that callous. Was his regret so acute that he couldn’t bear to see me? That hurt too. How could such a strong Navy SEAL be too much of a coward to face me?

Unable to stand it any longer. I packed up some cupcakes after closing on Thursday and headed to April and Jude’s house.

“Petal, what a surprise,” April said when she answered the door.

“I hope I’m not interrupting. I brought cupcakes. Limoncello for Jude, pumpkin cheesecake for you and chocolate chip for Maya.”

“Come in. We’re always happy to have cupcakes.” She frowned slightly as I walked in. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. I just miss seeing you guys. And I haven’t seen Bertie in forever. He’s probably all grown up now.”

April smiled sweetly. Being a wife and mother made her so happy. I envied her even as I was so happy for her.

“Jude is just finishing giving Bertie a bath. Maya and I are working on homework.”

I followed her to the kitchen.

“Mama, I finished my spelling,” Maya said waving her paper.

“Good for you. You can have a cupcake,” April said, setting the box I’d given her on the counter.

“Chocolate chip,” I said.

“Yay! Thank you, Petal!” Maya jumped up and rushed to the box.

“Did I hear there are cupcakes?” Jude walked in with a freshly scrubbed Bertie.

I leaned over, inhaling the sweet baby scent and kissing him on the temple. “How’s my sweet Bertie?”

“He can’t have cupcakes,” Maya said sitting at the table and licking the swirl of frosting on her cake.

“Not yet,” Jude said. “Would you like to hold him? Then I can have my cupcake. Tell me you brought limoncello.”

I smiled as I took Bertie from him. “Of course. Only the best for my favorite people.”

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance